Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot Discounts

The following lots have been discounted by the vendor and are available first-come first-served. Sale prices may be rounded to nearest bidding increment.

Please contact us to purchase a lot. Thank you.

Lot No Description Estimate Available Discount
402Germany 1948-1966 Varied range of pictorial cachets/postmarks on pieces arranged on pages. Appear all different. (200+)$50$4020%
407Germany - East 1949-1968 mixed MLH & used written up on leaves in Simplex binder. Noted 1950 Debria M/S MLH, 1952 China Friendship used, …$200$16020%
408Germany-West 1960-1975 MUH/MLH & used with extras on leaves with many of MLH in selvedge only. STC €520 (cA$750) (100s)$50$4020%
424Great Britain 1930's-1970's Machin coils in mostly MUH strips (a few used) in small stockbook. Comprises multi-value pre-decimal strips b…$120$9620%
430Great Britain 1997 plus odd 1995 & 1996 Benham silk FDCs incl booklet panes with 3 Greetings, Henry VIII (2) & 1997 Castles set to £5 pl…$50$4020%
431Great Britain 2008 Benham silk covers in large Benham album. Themes incl "Remembering Britain's Heroes", "Fire & Rescue Services", "Favou…$100$8020%
432Great Britain British Forces Postal Services 1970's covers in matching binder with illust National Army Museum & others with various comm…$120$9025%
436Great Britain Southampton display on pages with illustrations relating to its role in conveying mail comprising 1900 Orange Free State - …$80$6420%
443Hong Kong 1986-1998 Chinese New Year Framas complete as MUH sets of 4 or 7 as issued. Machine "01" for 1986, then sets from "01" & "02" t…$90$7220%
445India 1946-1947 selection of commercially used envs with a mix of KGVI vals all on bank mail addressed to Adelaide, South Aust. Various b…$30$2420%
451Israel 1950-1951 group incl 20pr "Flag", Birds Airs set of 6 & 500pr Camel plus 5 others. Useful MLH "short tabs" group. (14)$50$4020%
463Netherlands 1852-1969 mainly used in mixed cond to 1920's with very few highly catalogued but better from 1927 with later Child Welfare s…$150$12020%
472New Zealand 1929-2020 Health issues complete extensively written up with MLH & CTO/used issues plus extra MLH from 1929/30 & 1932onwards …$200$16020%
473New Zealand 1935 & 1936/38 defin sets on leaves complete used simplified plus extras to 3/- unchecked for perfs. Mix of machine & cds exa…$40$3025%
474New Zealand 1960-2022 Christmas stamps complete MLH & CTO incl M/S's & S/A's attractively arranged & written up. 1990-2022 MLH Face Value…$180$14420%
476New Zealand 1980's-2000's booklets (80 with approx. 60 diff) plus commem sets (30+) & M/S's (20) on Hagners. Also part sheets & blocks of…$180$14420%
477New Zealand 1996-2005 comprehensive MLH & CTO incl M/S's & booklets written up on leaves. MLH Face value totals NZ$630+ (A$560) with this…$250$20020%
482New Zealand 2014-2019 continuation of the above collection with CTO & FDC's & a MLH total Face Value of NZ$1700+ (A$1530).$500$40020%
491Portugal 1940 Portuguese Centenaries, 1941 Costumes (stain spot in top selvedge), 1945 Navigators & 1947 Regional Costumes Miniature Shee…$75$6020%
507Switzerland 1912-1934 covers x 9 incl 2 registered, one of which (1918) has been censored. All bearing tete-beche pairs, most with other …$75$6020%
508Switzerland 1940-1956 Pro Patria complete fine used on Hagners incl 1938/39 National Fete & 1941 pairs plus all the sets of 4 & 5 incl 19…$60$4820%
519Vatican Useful selection of MLH singles & sets in Lighthouse stockbook noting 1929 set of 15 (Cat. £120), 1933 Pope Pius set of 16 plus …$450$36020%
538Europe Lightly duplicated used common on 50 Hagners neatly arranged. Incls Denmark, Italy, Monaco, Norway & Switzerland without any highl…$40$2440%
552Autographs Interesting group on cards & covers with majority acquired between 1967-1982 & featuring entertainers, sporting figures & othe…$200$16020%
559Kangaroos 1st wmk range incl ½d kangaroos x 15 with 3 x MLH, 1d red x 20 with 4 x MLH, 2d grey x 4 plus F/U with inverted wmk, 3d olive …$600$45025%
560Kangaroos 3rd wmk selection noting 2d grey x 4 & another 6 perfined "OS", 2½d indigo x 7 & 2 "OS", 3d olive x 7 Die I plus a Die II & "O…$300$22525%
565Kangaroos Group of small mult wmk & COA wmks with SMW 6d brown x 6 consisting 3 F/U, an "OS" perfin & 2 ovptd CTO, 9d violet x 5 plus 2 x…$100$7525%
566Kangaroos Mainly CTO on Hagner consisting 1st wmk 6d (blunt corner), 9d, 3rd wmk 1/- & 2/-, Sm Mult 6d 1/- plus perfined "OS", 9d also "O…$100$7525%
568Kangaroos Small selection consisting of 9 x 3rd wmk & 3 x SMW with 2d grey x 3, 2½d x 2, 3d Die I, 6d blue Die I & Die IIB & 9d violet D…$200$15025%
579KGV ½d to 2d vals MUH in singles, pairs & blocks. Majority are fine with usual variable centring. Ex dealer lot with retail of approx. $…$200$15025%
584KGV 1d green MUH/MLH range with Cr/A (3), LM (4, 2 toned but showing white flaw under neck 78(4)h variety), no wmk & SM perf. 13½x12½ (…$60$4820%
587KGV 1d greens & 1½d reds MLH & used no wmk singles, pairs & blocks on Hagners. Many have annotated varieties & are sorted by plate & ele…$400$30025%
603KGV 1½d red Die II, SMW Perf.14 MUH/MLH selection incl 5 pairs & 3 blocks of 4 plus 14 good to F/U. Noted translucent paper with "blob o…$120$9025%
604KGV 1½d red, no wmk good to fine used selection with various annotated varieties, 12 of which are listed as ACSC (17)h, l, k, p, sa, v, …$120$9025%
606KGV 2d brown, SMW, perf. 13½x12½ group noting MLH imprint pair & 4 singles plus 18 good to fine used singles, most with annotated varie…$100$7525%
607KGV 2d red accumulation which approx. half have been sorted by wmk & flagged with varieties or perfins noting "OS", "VG", “GNSW" & "T" …$200$16020%
608KGV 2d red, SMW, perf. 13½x12½ with mostly Die II's noting 3 pairs, a block of 4 & 2 singles MLH plus 6 used singles. Also "TWO PENCE" …$75$5625%
613KGV 4½d violet single wmk x 19 incl an "OS", SMW Perf.14 x 13 & another perfined "OS" before Perf. 13½x12½ x 2 (short perfs) plus "FIV…$40$3220%
615KGV SMW, perf. 13½x12½ selection of 1½d reds & browns plus a few 2d browns. Mixed MUH, MLH & used with singles, blocks, strips & pairs…$500$37525%
618KGV SMW, perf.14 selection noting ½d orange (6), 1d green (9), 1½d red (15) incl inverted wmk & 1 variety, 2d brown (1), 3d blue (10) i…$30$2420%
619KGV SMW, perf. 14 & Perf. 13½x12½ perfined or ovptd "OS" selection on Hagner incl p.14 3d blue type ACSC 106ba, Cat. $375 MUH, 1d green…$120$9025%
620KGV SMW, perf.13½x12½ selection of 9 blocks of 4 as follows. 2d plate 1 John Ash "N over N" imprint MLH with corner perf missing & ligh…$180$13525%
623KGV CofA wmk range on leaves incl ½d orange (7) with 1 ovptd "OS", 1d green (20) incl 6 ovptd "OS", 2d red (17) with 4 ovptd "OS", 3d bl…$90$7220%
624KGV 1914/20 ½d to 1/4d single wmk selection of 26 MUH (unless mentioned) well centred stamps with sound perfs. Incls 1d carmine-red SLP,…$700$52525%
627KGV 1924 No wmk range on 2 Lindner pages consisting 1d green MUH/MLH x 17 incl 3 blocks of 4, one for positions 7.53 & 54/ 59 & 60 with b…$90$7220%
628KGV 1926/20 SMW, perf. 14 "balance of consignment" on Lindner pages. Incls ½d orange MLH (4) & used (2), 1d green MUH/MLH block of 4, 3 …$200$16020%
629KGV 1926/30 SMW, Perf. 13½x12½ "balance of consignment" lot on annotated Lindner pages in matching binder with ½d orange MLH x 7 incl …$250$20020%
638KGV LMW group of 4 perfined "OS" with ½d green F/U (ACSC 65ba(7)f), 1d green in MUH corner selvedge example (ACSC 74b(4)vb), 1½d black-…$30$2325%
641KGV MUH, MLH & used accum on Hagners in 4 ring binder with many items having annotated varieties. Mostly ½d to 2d vals plus odd 4d viole…$500$37525%
642KGV MUH/MLH varieties with many in multiples/blocks on Hagners in binder. 1d greens & 1½d browns form the major part of the lot in all w…$1000$75025%
647KGV Varieties in singles & blocks in mixed MUH, MLH & used cond on 12 Hagners with majority "flagged" with ACSC details & cat vals. Noted…$1200$96020%
663Pre-decimals 1913 1d red engraved KGV x 13 MLH incl block of 4 & 2 pairs & 6 used before 2 well centred engraved kookaburras MLH & F/U. N…$150$11325%
701Airmails Useful range of 1960's illust commem Qantas First Flight covers both departing & arriving to Australia. Incls the 1965 Inaugural…$180$14420%
702Booklets 2004 $5 Joan Sutherland, $5 Bridges, $5 Innovations, $5 Bon Voyage, $5 Railways, Cats & Dogs, $5 Grand Prix & Christmas in both …$400$32020%
703Booklets 2005 $5 Aust Legends, $5 Rotary, $5 Aust Wildflowers, $5 Wine, "Down on the Farm" & Christmas plus the Int Post $5.50, $6 & $9 S…$450$36020%
730Lettercards 1913/14 kangaroo defin designs x 9 in a range colours & each with a different scenic design. Cond ranges from good to fine wh…$120$9620%
735Military Mail WWII censored mail, some later with interesting usage incl 1962 "Iron Range Qld Australia" to Sydney, several 1940's Field …$40$3220%
736Military Mail WWII covers, the majority with Censor cachets/Censor tape & Field Post Office cds's tying KGVI defins plus a few bearing 9d…$50$4020%
739Perfins Range of "OS/NSW" perfins on 1st & 3rd wmk kangaroos good to fine used noting 1st wmk 1d red Die I very good used, Die II x 2, 3d…$80$6025%
747Postcards KEVII/KGV period cards mixed unused & used noting some b&w with South Aust scenes but majority are Greeting cards showing Santa…$100$8020%
750Replica Cards Duplicated range incl 1984 No. 1 x 6 (Card No. 1), Vic Cent x 8 (Card No. 2), KGV SJ x 5, Navigators x 3, SJ x 5 & SA Cent …$50$4020%
761NSW 1904-1907 range of covers all addressed to Tasmania & with combinations of 1d scarlet & 2d blue tied by barred numeral duplex strikes…$30$2325%
769Victoria 1850-1912 Senator album with a fine postally used collection plus a few fiscally used on neatly annotated album leaves with SG n…$1000$80020%
770Victoria 1978-1981 Beneficial Finance Corporation Limited "Negotiable Certificates of Deposit "with a variety of "VICTORIA STAMP DUTY" at…$70$5325%
772Victoria Quality stockbook with the first 17 pages containing Hamilton to Yarraville West postmarks with c800 items incl some multiples &…$600$48020%
797PNG 1949 group of 10 covers using Australian defins & commems incl 6 being registered at either Buin, Gasmata, Port Moresby or Madang, th…$60$4820%
799PNG 1952-1995 in black leaved stockbook with sparse 1950's-1966, then 99% complete (excl 1994 Provisionals) MUH/MLH & used to 1995 plus a…$80$6420%
800PNG 1952-1997 mounted in "Royal" & "Favourite" binders with used/CTO to 1989 before later MLH. Missing 1994 surcharges, first Postage Due…$60$4820%
802Territories Norfolk 1947 Ball Bay set of 14 MUH/MLH, AAT 1966 Decimal defins to $1 Mock Sun plus other Aust "balance of consignment" with…$50$3825%
8161932 (7th June) Whitemark to Launceston Ackland addressed cover with ½d & 1d KGV & 3d Airmail pair tied by Whitemark cds's with neighbou…$50$4020%
8221934 (23rd Feb) Adelaide to Port Pirie as above with 3d & 6d KS commems Registered Elizabeth St, Melbourne & addressed to Rosenblum. Retu…$50$4020%
8372019 First England to Australia Aerial Post Vignette in 24 carat gold Limited Edition Centenary Tribute reproduction on attractive mount …$50$4020%
8381935 (11th Aug) "Maheno - Fraser Island Wreck Rocket Flight" illust Queensland Air Mail Society triangular vignettes in red & green.R2b/3…$30$2420%
8401935 (12th Aug) Fraser Island to SS Maheno illust cover with ½d orange KGV tied by Pialba, Qld cds. Red vignette (AAMC R2b) tied by QAS …$100$8020%
844Great Britain 1934 (6th June) GPO Rocket Trials held on the Sussex Downs first flight covers each with "Rocket Post First British Flight"…$150$12020%
8451934 (19th Dec) GPO Rocket Trials flight cover to the Isle of Wight franked ½d green KGV with machine cancel Lymington Hants. Also "Rock…$150$12020%
846India 1934 Rocket Mail Calcutta to Saugor Island shore to ship vignette proof in red. This service was tested by Stephen Smith who manage…$75$6020%
850Brazil 1940 (25th Dec) A seaplane was wrecked while alighting in the Bay of All Saints, Bahia with the 15 occupants escaping unhurt but t…$100$8020%
851Canada 1970 (5th July) Air Canada Flight 621 was a Douglas DC-8 flying on the Montreal–Toronto–Los Angeles route. It crashed while at…$100$8020%
853World 1961-1965 BOAC & Malayan Airways First Flights incl BOAC between London & Nandi with intermediates, "BOAC Comet 4 Jetliner" covers …$150$12020%
8541912 (12th June) Rhein am Main Airship "Schwaben" card franked with 10pf red-brown "Gelber Hund" semi-official & 5pf Germania, both tied …$100$8020%
8581931 (28th Mar) as above but 4f Air x5 in lieu of 20pf & delivered in Budapest. Very fine. Sieger 102Ab, Cat. €150$80$6420%
8591931 (29th Mar) Hungary 16f pre-stamped postcard uprated with 2p Zeppelin & flown to Friedrichshafen (arrival 30/3/31). Deep green pictor…$90$7220%
8601931 (30th Mar) Hungary flight with 1p & 2p Zeppelin ovpts & 32f Air tied by 27/3/31 cds. Arrival Friedrichshafen 30/3/31 where dark gree…$150$12020%
8611932 (20th Mar) Bolivia 1p70 franking Air cover to Germany addressed to Sieger. Commem h/s in green & boxed "Primer Correa Aerer LAB" on …$80$6420%
8641932 (21st Oct) Netherlands to Brazil cover with 36c strip of 3 tied by Amsterdam Station cds's with 2 pictorial cachets below. Berlin & …$100$8020%
8651933 (30th Mar) San Marino Registered card to Austria franked with Zeppelin 1933 3l orange & 1l75 defin. Commem Italian "Dirigible Graf" …$80$6420%
8661933 (23rd May) Cyrenaica to Germany long cover with 20 lire Zeppelin & Libya 1l25 tied by "Bengasi Posta Aerea - Zeppelin" cds & (at far…$200$16020%
8671934 (23rd June) Paraguay Registered card carried on fourth South American Flight to Germany & addressed to Sieger bearing "1934" ovptd 2…$60$4820%
882Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS) branded slabbed coin storage trays with lids in dark blue x 4. VG cond.$30$2325%
883"Australian Air Mail Labels and Vignettes 1920-1960" by Tom Frommer. An attractive book in full colour with a price guide & recognised AA…$30$2420%
884"Australian Imperial Forces Postal History 1914-1918" (1984) & The "Supplement" (1988) by Bob Emery. Both hardbound with dust jacket prin…$50$4020%
889"The Numeral Cancellations of Victoria" by Hugh Freeman & Geoff White (2001) Vol. 17 in the superb RPSV "J.R.W. Purves Memorial Series". …$50$3825%
890"The Postal History of The British Army in WWI Before and After 1903 to 1929" by Alistair Kennedy & George Crabb (1977) Well illustrated …$30$2420%
891"The Royal Cypher Labels of Great Britain, Ireland & the Colonies (1701 to 1922)" by William A. Barber & A. Frank Brown, USA 1988 (priced…$50$3825%
894"Stanley Gibbons "Collect Ships on Stamps" (1989), Local Stamps of Australia by Bill Hornage (1982), "Scout & Guide Philatelic History of…$30$2420%
8962023 Australian Postal Numismatic Covers (PNCs) Catalogues by Greg McDonald x 2. First Edition in full colour. An excellent publication i…$40$3220%
908Disney Winnie the Pooh Turks & Caicos $2 "Sprinkles" M/S' & ditto for "Star on Christmas Tree" M/S plus Grenada Grenadines $6 "Christophe…$50$3825%
9181863-1908 arranged on album leaves with SG numbers in pencil indication shades & wmks. A useful good to fine used starter collection at a…$280$22420%
944Postmarks Albany to Port Hedland strikes in 48 page stockbook with rusty edges but contents seem unaffected. Sorted by towns, cities & lo…$1000$80020%
957Swans 1854-1864 "Balance of Consignment" lot with 1854 1/- pale brown, design complete but uneven margins & 2d orange-vermilion with 3 cl…$140$11220%
958Swans 1876-1885 incl wmk Crown CC 1d x 2, 2/-, 4d (pinhole & closed tear), 6d x 2 plus wmk upright 2d & 6d before Wmk Crown/Ca 1d, 2d, 4d…$100$8020%
959Swans 1905/12 ½d, 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d x 4 shades, 5d x 3 shades, 8d, 9d x 2 shades & 5/- wmk Crown over double-lined A Perf.12½x12, the latt…$250$20020%
9801854 1/- deep red-brown with top half cut square, lower half cut to shape. Used by void grid. Useful "spacefiller" at this reserve. SG 4a…$30$2420%
9881857 6d grey-black Hillman cut to shape with clear margins. F/U with neat BN"1". SG 19, Cat. £600$75$6020%
9991861 6d sage-green with close to touching margins. F/U by light grid cancel in blue. SG 28, Cat. £400$60$4820%
10081861 2d blue clean cut, perf 14-16 MNG plus 2 used (one trimmed lhs) & 1905/12 5d pale olive-bistre, perf.11 Cr/A wmk F/U (SG 155). (5)$30$2420%
10151864 2d, 4d, 6d & 1/- vals, wmk Cr/CC, perf.12½ group incl upright wmk for 2d, 4d, 6d in 2 shades & 1/- plus 6d upright inverted. Also 1…$60$4820%
10251882/85 3d brown in 2 shades, ½d surcharge in red on 1d yellow-ochre Cr/A wmk, perf. 14 & "1d." ovpt in green on 3d brown Crown CC wmk, …$40$3220%
10301896 4d chestnut, crown/CA wmk perf. 14 with crisp "Medical" h/s. Fine used with some staining but 1903 cancel & rarely seen.$90$7220%
10401898 1d carmine in vert pair & 2d bright yellow both with inverted W CR A wmks, perf 14. Fine used with neat & clear Perth duplex cancels…$100$8020%
10411898 1d carmine with inverted wmk. F/U by part Fremantle MY 9 08 cds. SG 112w, Cat. £140 $30$2420%
10801933 Wages book with 12 Hospital Fund for 1½d x 4, 9d x 4 & 3d x 4 plus Financial Emergency Tax x 16 incl 1½d x4, 1/- x 4, 2/- x 4 & 3/…$100$8020%
10821935 Wages book page with 13 Revenues affixed noting 1½d, 4½d & 6d grey x 3 Hospital Fund & 1d, 4d x 2, 1/- x 3 & 2- Financial Emergenc…$50$4020%
10831935 Wages book page with Hospital Fund 9d carmine x 4 & Financial Emergency Tax 6d grey x 4 & 2/- ochre x 4 plus 1d x 4 red Stamp Duty s…$50$4020%
10841938 Page dated Jan 4th - May 30th for "Jim Ward", a single "General farm Hand" with 23 mixed Hospital Fund & Financial Emergency Tax ove…$60$4525%
10891949 Page from ledger with appropriate Revenue Duty stamps affixed for each week on 2 sides. Incls 1d red x 5, 2d blue x 4, 6d ochre x 5 …$120$9620%
10961886 (27th April) "Penin & Oriental Steam Navn Co." embossed env from Albany to London endorsed "Via Brindisi" with 6d reddish-lilac, per…$500$40020%
11021900 (19th April) 1d blue postcard (PC2) uprated with ½d green swan from Karridale to England. Both ½d swan & postcard are cancelled wi…$150$12020%
11181936 (Jan & Mar) commercial window-envelopes with KGV 1d & 3d Vic Cent on one & 4d olive KGV 4d olive on the Nestlé example tied by Pert…$120$9620%
11212005 (10th May) Airmail C4 envelope sent to the UK with a Robin Linke auction catalogue & a $3.96 franking in domestic stamps. "OVERSEAS …$25$2020%
1177Number 11 on 1854 4d light blue imperf with 4 margins (added corners). Almost complete strike.$70$5620%
1187Number 14 on 1854 1d black swan with 3 margins, touching at right. Postmark in brown (red) ink.$100$8020%
1188Number 14 on 1854 4d blue in brown (red) ink. Fine 3 margin example with left margin just cut into. SG 3b$100$8020%
1206Number 8 on a range of vals incl 2 pairs & example of the defaced obliteration on QM issue used during WWII. CR/CC & CR/CA wmk with vals …$120$9620%
1210Number 10 on 2d chrome-yellow, CR/CA wmk (SG 77) & 1d carmine (SG 95). Fine strikes. (2)$40$3220%
1220Burbanks 3b Complete strike on 1d red swan for JU 15 04. Fine.$25$1925%
1221Burnakurra A28 60% strike on 2d yellow swan. Neat part strike. (1)$30$2420%
1222Carilla No postmarker was issued but this display page contains a "CARILLA - PERTH WEEKLY TICKET" with "14/-" in red issued by the Waters…$120$9620%
1224Condon 3d Crisp 90% strike on 2d yellow swan for FE 12 09. (1-2)$30$2420%
1225Coolgardie 3b-g index 4 An almost complete strike on 1d swans pair dated JY 9 98. Very fine. (1)$30$2420%
1226Coolgardie Dx PO-a index 6 duplex bold strike on 5d bistre swans pair dated DE 30 1898. (1)$30$2420%
1229Dongara Savings Bank Sbi Superior 95% strike on 1d rose-red swan for MR 9 08. (1-2)$40$3220%
1243Gunyidi B28 Almost complete strike on 2d red SA Cent for 5 OO 36. (1-2)$25$2020%
1246Jarrahdale 3b-a 80% & 60% overlapping strikes on 1d rose-red swans pair dated NO 10 08. Attractive. (1-2)$30$2420%
1247Kalamunda 3b Bullseye Nil index on 2d yellow swan (SG 130a) dated NO 23 05 plus 3b index 19 on 1d red swan (SG 139) for FE 10 09. Both ex…$60$4820%
1252Kulyaling A27 on 2d yellow swan for 27 JY 1910. (1-2)$30$2420%
1253Kundip A25 on 2d yellow swan dated 2 NOV 07. Needs a "soak" (1-2)$25$2020%
1255Lambert G31 on 7d purple QEII on for 10 DE 71. PMI dates 22-07-71 to 29-07-72. Construction town 20 km north of Roebourne. (1-2)$25$2020%
1256Learmonth E31 Complete crisp strike on 6½d orange QEII for 29 AU 54. (2)$25$2020%
1257Lennonville 3b in NIL. Complete strike on 2½d blue swan on piece dated FE 26 03. (1-2)$30$2420%
1258Leonora 3b-b in NIL on 9d orange swan(SG 145) for AP 10 08. (1)$25$2020%
1266Marvel-Loch on pair of 9d orange swans with upright Cr/A wmk for 2 DE 12 (SG 145b). PMI dates ??-10-11 to 17-04-63 thus rarely seen on sw…$30$2420%
1271Midland Junction 3b index 3 80% strike on 1d carmine-red swan for MY 15 08 (1-2)$20$1620%
1272Mingenew 3b An almost complete strike on 2d yellow swan for MR 26 6. (1-2)$30$2420%
1273Mogumber 3b Superb "bullseye" strike on 1d carmine-red swan. (1-2)$30$2420%
1274Mount Barker D27 Complete variable strike on 1d rose-red & 2d yellow swan on piece. Uncommon on swans.$25$2020%
1276Mount Morgan 3b-a 80% strike on 2d yellow swan for OC 2 08. (1-2)$25$2020%
1284York Paid PDx 28. 1923 Friday 25th January edition of the "Eastern Districts Chronical" printed in York WA for circulation "Throughout th…$300$24020%
13101d red, Die II with "extra island" (2 Tasmania's) variety at position L25. Horiz crease but fine used with Menzies WA cds clear of variet…$40$3220%
13152d grey. MVLH, odd flat perf at top. SG 3, ACSC 5, Cat. $100$30$2420%
13162½d indigo. MLH, centred bottom left. ACSC 9, Cat. $150$30$2420%
13172½d indigo. MVLH & well centred. SG 4, ACSC 9, Cat. $150$40$3220%
13193d in 2 shades, Die I, MLH plus 9d violet MLH. Mixed centring but fresh colours. ACSC 12A/E, Cat. $650, plus ACSC 24A, Cat. $200 (3)$100$8020%
13215d chestnut. Fine MLH, centred slightly low. ACSC 16, Cat. $250$50$4020%
13281/- green with inverted wmk. Fine postally used with double Melbourne cds 24 DE 13 cds's. Excellent colour & good perfs. Rarely seen post…$120$9025%
13312/- brown. Fine used with blue 1914 Brisbane cds in blue. Perfect perfs & centring. ACSC 35, Cat. $200$50$4020%
13345/- grey & chrome with 2 telegraph pictures located on right & left frames. F/U with part Qld cancel. ACSC 42A var.$30$2325%
13365/- grey & yellow. Fresh MUH, centred slightly low right, otherwise superb. ACSC 42B, Cat. $5000$1500$112525%
1340£1 brown & blue. Fresh MUH, centred left. Rich colours. SG 15, ACSC 51A, Cat. $17,500$3000$240020%
13472d grey x 2 pairs F/U with cds cancels (a couple of toned perfs) plus 2½d, 6d & 1/- good to fine used, the 1/- with Late Fee postmark. A…$50$4020%
13482d grey. Fresh MLH & well centred. ACSC 6A, Cat. $225$50$4020%
13492½d bluish indigo. MLH with reasonable centering. ACSC 10B, Cat. $300$60$4820%
13502½d indigo MLH, light gum crease (ACSC $225) plus 3d olive Die II, 3rd wmk used (ACSC $200) & 5/- grey & yellow-orange, SMW good to F/U …$80$6420%
13642d grey. MUH block of 4, diagonal crease affecting top left corner of top left stamp. Well centred with good colour. ACSC 7B, Cat. $600 a…$80$6420%
13652d grey, Die I marginal block of 4 from right of the left pane with Jubilee Lines in the gutter. Fresh MUH & well centred. SG35, ACSC 7B,…$180$14420%
13672d grey, Die IIA, plate 3 "JBC" Monogram block of 10 (5x2) with "Inner left frame missing opposite "T" of "TWO" variety. Accompanying not…$1200$96020%
13702½d indigo with inverted wmk & "retouch around "IA" of AUSTRALIA" variety. Not recorded in ACSC. Fine used. ACSC 11Aa(2)g$100$8020%
13746d chestnut, Die IIB MUH top selvedge (ACSC 21A) & 6d pale chestnut Die IIB bottom selvedge single with full Mullett imprint. Aged gum MU…$50$3825%
13766d pale ultramarine Die IIB. MH, centred left with fluffy perfs MH. Fresh true good colour with Drury Cert. (2024) ACSC 20C, Cat. $325$100$8020%
13776d pale ultramarine Die IIB block of 10 (5x2). Reasonable centering with a small paper inclusion & a couple of minor gum bends, otherwise…$1800$144020%
13806d ultramarine Die I (ACSC 19A) & 6 ultramarine perfined "OS" (ACSC 19Aba). Slightly aged gum, "OS" with tan line but frontally fresh & w…$80$6025%
13889d violet, Die IIB with inverted wmk. MLH. ACSC 33Aaa, Cat. $450$150$11325%
13911/- blue-green, Die II with inverted wmk block of 12 (6x2) from the base of the right pane with part Harrison one-line imprint. A couple …$5000$400020%
13961/- blue-green, Die IIB with sideways wmk in horiz pair. MLH, toned perf on rh stamp. ACSC 33Aaa, Cat. $550+$120$9025%
13971/- blue-green, Die IIB with sideways wmk. MLH with natural paper inclusion visible only from reverse. ACSC 33aa, Cat. $275$50$4020%
13981/- blue-green, Die IIB with wmk sideways. MH & centred low. ACSC 33Aaa, Cat. $275$40$3025%
14012/- brown in various shades. Mixed good to F/U incl F/U pair. Min Cat. $245 (7)$50$3825%
14042/- maroon. MUH with very slightly toned gum but good centring & fine frontal appearance. ACSC 38A, Cat. $750$80$6025%
14055/- grey-black & chrome (used with heavyish cancel), 5/- grey-black & yellow-orange (F/U with cds) & 5/- grey & pale yellow perfined "OS"…$100$7525%
14065/- grey-black & chrome with "broken coast near Sydney & break in right frame 3.5mm from top" variety. Fine used. ACSC 44A(D)d, Cat. $450$150$11325%
14085/- grey & pale yellow in Harrison "N over MP" imprint block of 4 with "white flaw off NSW coast" variety. MUH/MLH with light tan lines b…$5000$400020%
1419£1 grey. Used with indistinct cancel with a couple blunt perfs top left reflected in reserve. ACS 53A, Cat. $575$90$6825%
1420£1 grey, good to fine used with indistinct cds. Well centred with good perfs. ACSC 53, Cat. £575$120$9620%
1425£1 grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" type C. MLH with slightly aged gum & centred left hence low reserve. ACSC 53Axb, Cat. $375$50$4020%
14325d chestnut, SLP 14 JBC monogram selvedge pair (1R59 & 60) with "retouched NE corner State II" (looks more like IV) & " flawed P of PENCE…$600$45025%
14346d chestnut in John Ash "N" over "N" imprint block of 4 with "white hairline from value circle to map" variety. MUH/MLH. ACSC 22(3)z, Cat…$100$8020%
14379d pale violet in John Ash imprint block of 4. MH with vertical perfs reinforced with hinges. Slight gum discolouration but frontally fre…$150$12020%
14389d red-violet, Plate 3 John Ash "N over N" imprint pair. MUH/MLH with slightly toned gum but frontally fresh. ACSC 28D, Cat. $1150 plus p…$90$6825%
14391/- blue-green, Plate 3, "N over A" John Ash imprint block of 4. MLH with superior colour, perfs & centring. Ex Barrett-Lennard. ACSC 34A…$140$10525%
14401/- blue-green, Plate 4 John Ash imprint "N" over "A" pair. MLH with a couple of short perfs. Well centred with good colour. ACSC 34A(4)z…$100$8020%
14455/- grey & yellow-orange. Fine used with two part Collins St cds's. ACSC 45A, Cat. $275$50$3825%
14536d chestnut MH (ACSC 23A), 6d chestnut ovptd "OS" MLH (ACSC 23A), 9d violet MUH, 9d purple MH (ACSC 29C), 2/- reddish-maroon fine MH (ACS…$120$9025%
14546d chestnut, Plate 3 John Ash "N over N" imprint block of 4 with "white hairline from val circle to map" variety. Minor perf separation a…$80$6025%
14559d violet in lower left selvedge part imprint block of 4 for positions R 49 & 50 / 55 & 56. Position (4) R49 is the Die II substitution i…$100$8020%
14592/- maroon Die II x 2 selvedge pairs with "cut throat kangaroo" variety (ACSC 40A(1)l) & "cut throat kangaroo retouched" (ACSC 40A(1)la).…$180$14420%
14632/- maroon with "break in left frame opposite base of "A" of Australia" variety plus a doubled "VG" perfin. Used & an unusual combination…$50$4020%
14652/- pale maroon Die II in right selvedge block of 6 (2x3) perfined "WA" with "Flaw in top of "N" of Shilling", "Break in left frame oppos…$120$9620%
146810/- grey & pink. Fine used, centred slightly bottom left. ACSC 50, Cat. $300$50$4020%
147210/- grey & pink fine used with crisp Melbourne cds plus 10/- grey-black & pale rose crimson shade for comparison. Both centred left. ACS…$120$9620%
147310/- grey & pink. MUH, centred high but compensated with top selvedge. Fresh appearance. SG 136, ACSC 50A, Cat. $2750$500$37525%
147610/- grey-black & rose-crimson. Good to fine used with Melbourne 2 JY 33 cds. ACSC 50B, Cat. $275$75$5625%
1482£1 grey. Fresh MUH, centred a little high. A most attractive example. SG 137, ACSC 54, Cat. $3500$750$56325%
1486£2 grey-black & rose-crimson. Centred a little high with very light patchy staining on reverse but MUH & frontally fresh. SG138, ACSC 58…$2800$210025%
14891914-20 Single Watermark ½d blue-green with "cracked electro from left wattle to "U" of Australia" variety. Fine used with neat machine …$500$37525%
14921914-20 Single Watermark 1d brownish-rose (G 23½) with "Dot before "1" variety. Fine used with Drury Cert. (2023) ACSC 71M(3)m, Cat. $150$30$2420%
14931914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine aniline vert pair with lower stamp having "N-Y join" variety. F/U, centred right. ACSC 71z(4)o, Cat. …$120$9620%
14941914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine aniline with "N-Y join variety. Fine used, centred a little right. ACSC 71Z(4)o, Cat. $600$100$8020%
14951914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine aniline with "N-Y Join" variety. Fine used pair centred right. Short top right perf. Useful "spacefil…$30$2420%
14961914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine-red (G1) with "dot before 1" variety. Fine used with Starling Cert. (2016). ACSC 70A(3)m, Cat. $350$30$2325%
14971914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine-red with "N-Y join" variety. F/U, centred right. ACSC 71Y(4)o, Cat. $500$70$5620%
15021914-20 Single Watermark 1d carmine-rose with "N-Y Join" variety. F/U, centred slightly left. ACSC 71V(4)o, Cat. $750$90$7220%
15031914-20 Single Watermark 1d deep red, Die III with "Break in upper frame at left" variety. F/U. ACSC 75Bj, Cat. $200$50$4020%
15041914-20 Single Watermark 1d deep red, Die III with "White flaw on "S" of Australia" variety. F/U, couple of short perfs for accuracy. ACS…$40$3220%
15051914-20 Single Watermark 1d deep red-aniline (G 61) with "line only" wmk. Slightly toned perfs visible only on reverse. Good to fine used…$250$20020%
15061914-20 Single Watermark 1d deep rosine (G70) with "PENAVY" variety. F/U, centred low left. Vibrant colour & fine perfs. Drury Cert (2024…$90$7220%
15071914-20 Single Watermark 1d green plate 3 top left selvedge irregular corner block of 23 (3 rows of 6 & 4th row of 5 with No.24 missing) …$120$9620%
15091914-20 Single Watermark 1d orange-red (G24½) with "Dot before 1" variety. Superb F/U & well centred. Drury Cert. (2023) states a "Scarc…$70$5620%
15161914-20 Single Watermark 1d scarlet-red (G17) plate 4, state 1 CA monogram single. Fine MLH with hinge reinforcing where originally detac…$75$6020%
15171914-20 Single Watermark 1d scarlet aniline with rusted cliché fine used with light WA cds's. Fine colour & with good centering. ACSC 71…$180$14420%
15211914-20 Single Watermark 1½d purple-brown with inverted wmk & "Long 2nd "E" of Three" variety. F/U. ACSC 85Ba(3)g, Cat. $100 for inverte…$40$3220%
15251914-20 Single Watermark 1½d deep red with "Retouched "GE" & shading" variety. F/U. ACSC 88E(16)h, Cat. $120$30$2420%
15271914-20 Single Watermark 1½d scarlet in lower right selvedge strip of 3 for units 58, 59 & 60 with an extra strike of the perforating co…$400$32020%
15281914-20 Single Watermark 1½d red with "substituted cliché (deformed right frame)" variety. Fine used with Donnybrook WA cds, centred lo…$120$9620%
15291914-20 Single Watermark 1½d deep scarlet with "Spectacular printing error with obliterated "E" in "THREE" stated on Drury Cert. (2024) …$50$3825%
15321914-20 Single Watermark 2d red with "tin shed" flaw on "NCE" of "PENCE". Fine used with Drury Cert. (2024) ACSC 96C (TFS)$60$4820%
15331914-20 Single Watermark 2d red with flaw on kangaroo's leg (unlisted). Fine used with Drury Cert. (2024)$60$4820%
15351914-20 Single Watermark 4d yellow orange with inverted wmk & "Worn left frame" variety. F/U. ACSC 101Ia(1)I, Cat. $75 + variety premium$40$3220%
15371914-20 Single Watermark 4d buff-orange with "White flaw below PO" variety. Superb fine used with bullseye York 14 SEP 18 Western Austral…$120$9620%
15441914-20 Single Watermark 4d olive, 4d greenish olive & 4d olive-yellow. MLH with reasonable centring. ACSC 114A/B/C, total cat. $660 (3)$100$8020%
15461914-20 Single Watermark 5d chestnut x 2 with "white flaw in upper left frame" & "white flaw on emu's breast & breaks in shading lines in…$50$4020%
15491918-20 Large Multiple Watermark Perf.14 ½d bluish-green with "thin fraction at right" variety. Fine used. ACSC 65A(5)s, Cat. $250$50$4020%
15501918-20 Large Multiple Watermark ½d green, comb perf, Electro 5 as above but fine used with part Victorian cds pmk. ACSC 65(5)ka, Cat $650$250$20020%
15511918-20 Large Multiple Watermark ½d green, comb perf. Electro 5 with "Cracked electro - second state, left wattles to forearm of kangaro…$200$16020%
15531918-20 Large Multiple Watermark 1d carmine-pink (G101) "CA" Monogram corner strip of 3 from the Cooke Printing. MLH in selvedge only, st…$6000$480020%
15561924 No Watermark 1½d rose-red with major flaw affecting left value tablet & kangaroo's feet. Fine used, centred right. Drury Cert. (202…$90$7220%
15581926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ ½d orange, electro 9. Complete sheet with selvedge missing on left side & some areas of…$300$24020%
15591926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1d green bottom selvedge single with "RA of Australia joined" variety. Fresh MUH. ACSC 8…$80$6025%
15631926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1d green in left marginal horiz pair with "Wattle line state II" & "Nick near top of lef…$30$2325%
15711926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1d green sans-serif John Ash imprint block of 4. Fresh MLH. ACSC 81Bz, Cat. $100$40$3025%
15721926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1d green with "Flaw under neck" variety. MVLH verging on MUH. ACSC 81(4)h, Cat. $400+$100$7525%
15731926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1d green x 2 blocks of 4 with lower selvedge block having "Kangaroos tongue out re-entry…$80$6025%
15761926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½ red-brown John Ash imprint blocks x 2 with Plate 1 "N over N" setting (ACSC 93(1)za)…$90$6825%
15771926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½ rose-red Mullett imprint Plate 1 block of 8 with 3 stamps & part of the imprint affe…$250$20020%
15791926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d golden scarlet (pale) top selvedge plate 3 dot block of 4 with top 2 stamps with do…$250$18825%
15801926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d golden-scarlet Die II plate 1 dot block of 4. Fine MUH/MLH. ACSC 92H(1)z, Cat. $125$40$3025%
15821926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d pink Mullett Plate 4 imprint block of 4 with "ST" of "POSTAGE" joined with scratch …$500$37525%
15831926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d pink Plate 4 dot block of 6 with both vert & horiz double perforations in the top s…$1000$80020%
15851926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d red plate 1 Mullett imprint block of 4. Fine MUH/MLH. ACSC 92B(1)za, Cat. $150$40$3025%
15861926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d red plate 2 dot block & 1½d rose-red plate 3 dot block. First MLH, one stamp creas…$80$6025%
15871926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d red plate 2 dot block of 4. Light crease top right selvedge otherwise fine MUH. ACS…$40$3025%
15881926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d red plate 4 dot block of 4. Fresh & fine MUH. ACSC 92B(4)z, Cat. $125+$40$3025%
15891926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d red printed on translucent paper with "slurred print" & "left frame indented" varie…$120$9620%
15911926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d red-brown plate 3 "N over A" imprint blocks of 4 with different perf configurations…$100$7525%
15921926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d red-brown Plate 3 dot block of 4. MUH/MLH, centred right. ACSC 93(3)z$40$3025%
15931926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 1½d red-brown Plate 3 John Ash imprint "N over A" block of 4. Fresh MUH. ACSC 93(3)za, …$75$5625%
15951926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 2d golden-scarlet, Die II John Ash "N over A" imprint block of 4 with "double left frame…$100$7525%
15961926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 2d golden-scarlet, Die II Plate 1 John Ash "N over N" imprint block of 4 with "double le…$50$3825%
15981926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 2d golden-scarlet, Die II strip of 3 with "emu with a medal" & "white flaw on kangaroos …$40$3025%
15991926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 13½x12½ 2d golden-scarlet, Die III John Ash imprint blocks of 4 x 2 with diff vertical perforati…$80$6025%
16021926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red-brown, Die II in lower left selvedge block of 6 with "horned emu" & "irregular left frame" …$150$11325%
16031926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d blue, Die II John Ash imprint block of 4. Light pencil marking on front & back of left stamp. A…$120$9025%
16041926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d blue, Die II pair with "retouched "ST" of Australia" variety on left unit. MVLH aged gum but fr…$40$3025%
16051926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d blue, Die II Plate 6 lower right marginal corner block of 20 (4x5). Useful for research. Very s…$300$22525%
16081926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d deep blue with part dry ink in John Ash imprint pair. MUH. ACSC 108B, Cat. $150 for MUH + impri…$80$6025%
16091926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d deep blue, Die II John Ash imprint block of 4, MLH with rich colour & usual mixed centring. ACS…$120$9025%
16101926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d deep blue, Die II positional block of 4 for 5L 32 & 33/ 38 & 39 with "flaws on "R" of Australia…$60$4525%
16131926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d dull blue pair with "flaws on "R" of Australia & third bloom of left wattles" variety on left u…$50$3825%
16141926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d dull blue, Die Ia Type A.B pair for positions (3, 4) 7 & 8, former with "white flaw on kangaroo…$100$7525%
16161926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d pale dull blue, Type A vert pair for positions 3R53 & 3R59. Lower unit with "white flaw near Em…$180$13525%
16181926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4d greenish-olive with "diagonal line across King's neck" variety in bottom selvedge with part imp…$40$3025%
16191926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4d greenish-olive, Plate 3 John Ash imprint block of 4. Fine MLH. ACSC 116B(3)z, Cat. $500$200$15025%
16201926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4d olive in John Ash imprint block of 4 (ACSC 116(3)z, Cat. $500) plus ovptd "OS" with small inter…$200$16020%
16221926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4d olive x 2 with "flaw on 4th bloom of left wattles" & "kangaroo's tongue out" varieties. MLH. AC…$60$4525%
16261926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4½d deep violet top left corner selvedge single with "broken south east corner" variety. Fine MVL…$40$3025%
16301926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4½d violet block of 4. MUH with very slightly toned gum & centred right reflected in low reserve.…$140$11220%
16321926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4½d violet with "cracked north west corner" variety. MLH. ACSC 120Bk, Cat. $240$60$4525%
16331926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4½d violet with "white flaws on "A" & "E" of Postage" variety. Fine MUH. ACSC 120(B)l, Cat. $240$60$4525%
16341926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4½d violet, Die II with "Flaw on emu's right leg" unlisted variety. CTO, centred left. A fine sta…$100$7525%
16351926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4½d violet, Die II with "flawed "A" of Postage" variety. Fine CTO, centred left. ACSC 121Af, Cat.…$120$9025%
16371926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 5d orange-brown John Ash "N over A" 2 line imprint block of 4, v. Fine MLH/MH. ACSC 126Az, Cat. $600$200$15025%
16381926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 5d orange-brown John Ash 2-line imprint block of 4 with 2nd line cut off during guillotining. MLH …$100$7525%
16401926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1/4d greenish-blue in horiz pair, right unit with "thick 1 at right retouched" variety. MLH, centr…$300$22525%
16411926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1/4d greenish-blue John Ash imprint pair with mixed centring. MLH, fresh colour. ACSC 130Az, Cat. …$250$18825%
16421926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1/4d greenish-blue with "Flattened cross of crown" variety. MLH with some light toning reflected i…$80$6025%
16431926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1/4d turquoise-blue John Ash imprint block of 4. Slighted aged MLH reflected in reserve otherwise …$800$60025%
16441926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1/4d turquoise-blue with "flaw in emu's tail" variety. Fine postally used. ACSC 130Be, Cat. $200$60$4525%
16451926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1/4d turquoise-blue with "thick 1 at right" variety. MLH, centred left. ACSC 130Bn, Cat. $650$150$11325%
16461926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 14½d orange (ACSC 67A) MUH, 1d green (ACSC 80B) MLH, 1½d red (ACSC 89D) MUH, 2d red-brown (98A) …$450$33825%
16471926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 14½d orange good to fine used strip of 3 with Darlington WA cds's plus 2 MUH singles with inverte…$150$12020%
16511926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d pale green, originally a block of 4, now in 2 pairs showing the 3 major varieties, "Wattle li…$150$11325%
16531926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green in 2 different plate 4 imprint blocks of 4 with the Mullett block ACSC 80B(4)za having …$150$11325%
16541926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green in lower right Plate 4 bottom right corner selvedge block of 4 on translucent paper wit…$250$20020%
16551926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green John Ash "N over A" imprint block. MLH with a couple of minor spots (ACSC 80z, Cat. $17…$50$4020%
16561926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green Mullett 2 line imprint block of 4 with 2"ferns" & "RA joined" varieties. Fine MUH/MLH, …$160$12820%
16571926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green on translucent paper in lower left corner block of 16. Fine MUH. ACSC 80aa, Cat. $125 x…$300$24020%
16581926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green plate 4 John Ash 2 line setting imprint block of 4 with the 2nd line of imprint missing…$50$3825%
16601926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green position VII/8 (2 types) with "run N third state" MVLH & "Run N third state - retouched…$90$6825%
16611926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green vertical pair with "wattle line" & "neck flaw" varieties. Superb MUH/MLH. ACSC 80B(4)f&…$75$6020%
16621926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green with "flaw under neck" variety. MVLH & well centred. ACSC 80B(4)h, Cat. $300$80$6025%
16631926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green with "Run "N" third state" variety. Superb F/U. ACSC 80B(4)vb, Cat. $200$60$4820%
16641926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green with "saddle on emu" variety. Good to fine used with neat part slogan cancel. One of the …$500$40020%
16651926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green with top selvedge with double perfs along the top. Superb F/U. Drury Cert. (2024) ACSC 80…$75$6020%
16661926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green, plate 4 John Ash imprint pair with "RA joined" variety. ACSC 80B(4)j, Cat. $260 + premiu…$60$4525%
16671926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green, plate 4 lower right selvedge vertical pair with "white spot in SE corner" & "run N third…$75$5625%
16681926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green, plate 4 Mullett imprint block of 4 on translucent paper with "RA of Australia joined" & …$500$37525%
16691926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green, plate 4 part John Ash imprint block of 8. The selvedge has been guillotined below John A…$80$6025%
16701926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d rose-red Die Ia Mullett imprint block of 4. Stamp variety identifiers neatly written in ink o…$300$22525%
16711926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d rose-red, Die II, plate 2 Mullett imprint strip of 4 with "Void top right corner" variety. Cl…$60$4820%
16721926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d red in top right plate 3 dot block of 4 with inverted wmk. Fine MVLH, centred right. ACSC 91B…$220$16525%
16731926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d red Plate 1 Mullett imprint block of 4. MLH well centred with some rough perfs. ACSC 91B(1)z,…$90$6825%
16741926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d red plate 2 Mullett imprint block of 4. MLH/MH. ACSC 91B(2)za, Cat. $200$50$3825%
16771926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d red plate 4 Mullett imprint block of 4 with "ST of POSTAGE joined" variety. MUH/MLH & well ce…$60$4525%
16781926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d red with "slurred print" as mentioned in accompanying Drury Cert. (2019) on 2 rows of 6 with …$500$37525%
16791926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d red, plate 3 Mullett imprint block of 4. MVLH, centred left with plate identified in pencil o…$60$4525%
16801926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d pale red Plate 2 dot block of 4.Fine MVLH. ACSC 91B(2)z, Cat. $125$40$3025%
16811926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d golden scarlet in John Ash imprint positional block of 12 for positions L47 & 48/ 53 & 54/ 59…$300$22525%
16821926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d golden scarlet, plate 4 positional block of 4 for 41 & 42/ 47 & 48 with the lower AB pair whi…$50$3825%
16831926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d golden scarlet, plate 4 positional block of 4 with 47 & 48/ 53 & 54, both AB pairs. The first…$750$56325%
16841926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red-brown. MLH, centred low. ACSC 98A, Cat. $175$30$2420%
16861926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red-brown electro 16 cliché 16 R 6 "No top to crown" variety. MLH. Not listed in the ACSC.$150$11325%
16871926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red-brown electro 16 Mullett imprint interpaneau block of 4. MLH. Aged gum with a couple of ton…$120$9025%
16901926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red-brown plate 16 Mullett imprint pair with double perforations at base. MNG with staining of …$150$11325%
16911926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red-brown with "Diagonal white flaw through TWO" & "White flaw on 2nd A of AUSTRALIA" varieties…$120$9025%
16931926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d blue, Die Ia Plate 4, Mullett imprint block of 4 with "White flaw over "ia" of Australia" varie…$150$11325%
16941926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d dull blue, Die Ia in part left selvedge block of 4 plate (3, 4) positions R7 & 8/ R13 & 14. Blo…$120$9025%
16961926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d grey-blue, Die Ia block of 4 with lower selvedge for positions L51 & 52/ L57 & 58 with 2 x AB p…$180$13525%
16971926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4d greenish-olive Plate 4 John Ash 2 line imprint block of 4. Fine MUH/MLH with fresh appearance. …$400$30025%
17001926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4d greenish-olive, plate 4 John Ash two line imprint block of 4. MVLH, pulled perf at right otherw…$400$30025%
17011926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4½d violet John Ash imprint block of 4 with "Deformed bottom left frame & white flaw from wattle …$200$15025%
17041926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1/4d greenish-blue bottom horiz selvedge pair with "Thick 1 at right" variety at right. MLH with v…$600$45025%
17051926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1/4d greenish-blue in lower selvedge pair, the right stamp with "Thick 1 at right" variety. Left u…$400$30025%
17061926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1/4d greenish-blue Mullett 2 line imprint block of 4. Top 2 stamps & selvedge MLH with lower pair …$1500$112525%
17071926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1/4d greenish-blue with "Colour flaw in King's hair" variety. Fine postally used. ACSC 129A, Cat. …$120$9025%
17101926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1/4d greenish-blue with plate 1 L 13 "Shading break right wattles & shading break in front of King…$280$21025%
17121926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1/4d greenish-blue CTO with gum. A little off centre but good colour & perfs. ACSC 129Aw, Cat. $375$90$6825%
17131926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1/4d turquoise-blue with "Flaw in emu's tail" variety. F/U. ACSC 129Be, Cat. $375$120$9025%
17161931-36 CofA Watermark ½d orange, electro 9 John Ash imprint block of 4. Fine MUH/MLH. ACSC 69A(9)z, Cat. $150$40$3220%
17191931-36 CofA Watermark 1d green block of 4 with inverted wmk. MUH/MLH with good centering & good perfs. ACSC 82Ba, Cat. $250 as single st…$100$8020%
17211931-36 CofA Watermark 1d green, Plate 1 vertical strip of 12 (2x6) incl vert strip of 6 with "dents in bottom frame". All MUH except for…$250$18825%
17221931-36 CofA Watermark 1d green with reversed wmk. Good used with neat machine cancel & reasonable centring. Rare when fault free such as…$750$56325%
17251931-36 CofA Watermark 1½d red-brown, Plate 1 John Ash imprint block of 4. Slightly aged MLH. ACSC 94(1)za, Cat. $175$40$3025%
17281931-36 CofA Watermark 3d blue block of 4 perfined "WA". Rarely seen in multiples. Light tone spot top right with other slightly gum wrin…$50$3825%
17291931-36 CofA Watermark 3d blue, plate 7 irregular block of 11 (3/4/4), positions R34-36/ 39-42/ 48-51 with "retouched "O" of postage" & "…$75$6020%
17301931-36 CofA Watermark 3d blue, plate 7 John Ash imprint block of 4. MUH/MLH with slightly aged gum & mixed centring. ACSC 109Az, Cat. $450$100$7525%
17311931-36 CofA Watermark 3d blue, plate 7 John Ash imprint strip of 4 with "White flaw below kangaroo's paw" varieties on both end units. M…$100$8020%
17321931-36 CofA Watermark 3d blue plate 8 John Ash imprint block of 4. MUH/MLH with fresh frontal appearance. ACSC 109Aza, Cat. $375$100$7525%
17331931-36 CofA Watermark 3d pale blue left selvedge block of 4. MLH/MH with true colour. SG 109B, Cat. $160+$40$3025%
17361931-36 CofA Watermark 3d deep blue plate 7 John Ash imprint block of 4. Evenly toned MUH, MLH in selvedge only. Strong colour. ACSC 109C…$100$7525%
17371931-36 CofA Watermark 4d deep olive in bottom selvedge strip of 6 with imprint centrally located & noting "diagonal white line on King's…$300$22525%
17381931-36 CofA Watermark 4d olive block of 4. MLH/MUH with rich colour & reasonable centering. ACSC 117A, Cat. $200$50$4020%
17411931-36 CofA Watermark 4d olive plate 4 John Ash imprint block of 4. MUH with usual mixed centering. ACSC 117A(4)z, Cat. $550 plus premiu…$180$13525%
17421931-36 CofA Watermark 4d olive, plate 3 John Ash imprint pair with "N over A" setting. Thin in centre selvedge but one unit MUH & other …$50$3825%
17431931-36 CofA Watermark 4d greenish-olive plate 3 John Ash imprint block of 4. Fine MUH/MLH. ACSC 117B(3)z, Cat. $500$200$15025%
17441931-36 CofA Watermark 4d greenish-olive plate 4 John Ash imprint block of 4 with "Diagonal white line on King's neck" variety diminished…$150$11325%
17451931-36 CofA Watermark 4d greenish-olive plate 4 John Ash imprint block of 4. MUH/MLH with evenly toned gum but frontally fresh. ACSC 117…$150$11325%
17461931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown block of 4, the upper right stamp with "Flaw between "A" & "G" of postage" variety. MUH/MLH & well…$60$4820%
17471931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown bottom selvedge block of 4. Flight bend down left side otherwise fresh MUH/MLH. ACSC 127A, Cat. $130+$40$3025%
17481931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown left selvedge pair with "eight wattles at left" variety. Fine MUH & well centred. ACSC 127A(3)g, C…$50$4020%
17521931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown plate 3 positional block of 4 with "flaw between A&G of Postage" variety on lower right stamp. MVL…$60$4525%
17531931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown selvedge pair with "Eights wattles at left" variety. MUH with good centering. ACSC 127A(3)g, Cat. …$50$4020%
17541931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown with "Missing frame behind kangaroo" variety. Superb F/U. ACSC 127A(3)r, Cat. $300$90$7220%
17551931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown with "thin words of value". Variety. Fine MUH. ACSC 127A(2)h, Cat. $125$40$3025%
17571931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown x 4 varieties incl "distorted upper frame at right", "eight wattles at left", "broken top frame at…$180$13525%
17591931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown, plate 3 in part sheet complete with selvedge with 30 left pane units 1-30 & 29 from the right pla…$400$30025%
17601931-36 CofA Watermark 5d yellow-brown plate 2 John Ash imprint block of 4. MLH/MH, frontally fresh. ACSC 127B(2)z, Cat. $400$120$9025%
17611931-36 CofA Watermark 5d yellow-brown plate 3 top left corner selvedge block of 4 with "distorted upper frame at right" (3LI) & "flawed …$50$3825%
17621931-36 CofA Watermark 5d yellow-brown with "frame missing behind kangaroo" variety. Fine used with bold 1937 Tynong cds. ACSC 127B(3)r, …$75$5625%
17631931-36 CofA Watermark 5d yellow-brown with "frame missing behind kangaroo" variety. More extensive than previous lot but not regarded as…$80$6025%
17641931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d greenish-blue John Ash imprint pair with perfs at top right of gutter reinforced & light gum ageing. Useful "…$60$4820%
17651931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d greenish-blue bottom selvedge single with part John Ash imprint. MLH with fresh colour. ACSC 131A, Cat. $150$40$3220%
17661931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d greenish-blue with "flawed right frame & shading" variety & another with the "retouched thick right 1" variet…$50$3825%
17691931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d greenish-blue John Ash imprint block of 4. MLH with small paper hinges reinforcing perfs on left side affecti…$280$22420%
17701931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d greenish-blue John Ash imprint block of 4. MUH/MLH with very light even gum toning but frontally fresh with b…$300$22525%
17711931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d turquoise-blue x 3 with "defective top frame & cross", "flattened cross of crown" & "retouched S.W. corner" v…$75$5625%
17721931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d turquoise blue with "retouched N.E. corner" variety. Fine used. ACSC 131Bk, Cat. $100$30$2325%
17751931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d turquoise-blue John Ash imprint block of 4. All stamps MUH, hinged in selvedge only. A premium example with s…$1200$96020%
17791913 1d red, Die IIA, 1st wmk perfined small "OS" with "break in right frame opposite top of Tasmania" variety. MLH with aged gum, centre…$50$4020%
17811913 2½d indigo, 3rd wmk block of 4 perfined "OS". MLH & well centred. Attractive multiple. ACSC 11Cb, Cat. $1100$250$20020%
17821913 2½d indigo, 1st wmk perfined large "OS" with "heavy coastline to WA" variety. Fine used by neat double ring Adelaide cds. Scarce co…$150$12020%
17841915/28 2½d blue gutter block of 4 with Jubilee Lines with minor retouches indicating this is from a Harrison printing. Right hand pair …$350$28020%
17851913 3d olive, Die I 1st wmk perfined small "OS". MVLH/MLH, centred high. ACSC 12Abc, Cat.$550 x 2$150$12020%
17871913 3d pale olive-green, Die II, 1st wmk perfined small "OS". Centred bottom left with a couple of short perfs otherwise fine used with …$90$7220%
17881915/28 3d olive, 3rd wmk, Die I block of 4 perfined "OS". 2 units with thins from a hasty hinge removal with slightly toned MUH/MLH gum.…$100$7525%
17911913 4d orange in 5 shades, 1/- blue-green & 2/- brown, 1st wmk. All fine used (bar 1 x 4d with smudged pmk) & perfined large "OS". ACSC …$80$6420%
17921913 6d blue with "white flaw I shading below Albany" variety & perfined small "OS". Fine used with a toned perf not frontally visible. A…$40$3025%
17941913 6d ultramarine with 1st wmk inverted & perfined small "OS". Ceremuga cert. (2011) noting perf faults at right & stating "extremely r…$250$20020%
17971929/30 6d chestnut, SMW ovptd "OS" x 2 MLH (ACSC 22(OS)A x2, Cat. $90 ea) plus 1931/47 ditto CoA wmk superb MUH (ACSC 23(OS)a, Cat. $125…$80$6025%
17991931/47 6d pale chestnut, CofA wmk, Plate 4 Ash imprint block of 8. Gum toning with stripping on reverse otherwise MUH & well centred wit…$150$11325%
18011915/28 9d red-violet, Die IIB perfined "OS". MUH/MLH block of 4 with shortish perfs on a couple & top 2 units creased but true colour & …$150$11325%
18051915/28 1/- dull blue-green, 3rd wmk Die IIB perfined "OS" in MUH top left selvedge block of 9. Centred low but remains a striking multip…$500$37525%
18071913 2/- brown, 1st wmk horiz pair perfined small "OS". Used with indistinct parcel cancel. ACSC 35b, Cat. $400$80$6420%
18091915 2d, 6d, 9d & 5/- 2nd wmk perfined small "OS" used (5/- thinned at left) plus 2/- SMW block of 4 with parcel cancel, a useful multipl…$120$9620%
18101915 2/- light brown, 2nd wmk perfined small "OS". Fine MLH, one pulled perf at right. ACSC 36ba, Cat. $5,000$500$37525%
18131913 2/- dark brown, 1st wmk perfined large "OS". 3mm closed tear at right otherwise fine used with good perfs. An excellent "budget" exa…$30$2420%
18161915/28 2d grey, Die I 3rd wmk block of 4 perfined "OS/NSW". Centred low otherwise fresh MUH. Rarely seen with State perfin. ACSC Cat. $6…$120$9620%
18171915/28 9d violet, Die II pair perfined "OS", the left unit with "white flaw to left of "P" in "PENCE" unlisted variety plus 2/- brown al…$40$3220%
18191915/28 5/- grey & yellow perfined small "OS". CTO with good centering & perfs. ACSC 44wa, Cat $200$90$7220%
18201915/28 5/- grey & yellow, 3rd wmk perfined small "OS" with "long curved tail on kangaroo" variety. Fine used by light top right cds. ACS…$100$8020%
18221929/30 5/- grey & bright yellow-orange, SMW with "white collar on kangaroo" variety & perfined "OS". Much brighter yellow-orange shade t…$100$7525%
18231929/30 5/- grey & yellow-orange with "broken coast near Sydney & Spencer's Gulf elongated" variety & perfined "OS". CTO with gum MLH. We…$70$5620%
18241929/30 5/- grey & yellow-orange, SMW perfined "OS". Fine CTO, centred top right. ACSC 45Awb, Cat. $250$50$3825%
18251929/30 5/- grey & yellow-orange, SMW with "misplaced kangaroo" variety with part of kangaroo head outside map & perfined "OS". Superb CT…$1200$90025%
18261915/28 5/- grey & pale yellow, 3rd wmk perfined "OS" with "broken coast near Sydney & break in right frame" variety. Used with neat corn…$80$6420%
18271915/28 5/- grey & pale Yellow, 3rd wmk perfined small "OS" with "Break in coast of Bight" unlisted variety. Aged MLH & centred top left …$300$24020%
18371914/20 ½d emerald KGV, single wmk perfined "OS" on "thin paper". MH, well centred with good colour & perfs. Drury Cert. (2024) ACSC 63A…$50$3825%
18391926/30 ½d pale orange perfined "OS". Fine used & difficult to find. ACSC 67Bba, Cat. $325$100$7525%
18401926/30 ½d orange, SMW, perf 13½x12½ block of 14 (4x4) perfined "OS", electro 8. MUH with a couple of short perfs for accuracy. ACSC 6…$80$6025%
18411926/30 ½d orange, SMW, perf 13½x12½ blocks of 4 perfined "OS". Fresh MUH. ACSC 68Aba, Cat. $160 as singles plus block premium$50$3825%
18421931/36 ½d orange, CofA wmk in irregular Plate 8 block of 21 ovptd "OS". Positions R30-32/ 35-38/ 43-47/ 49-53/ 55-59 with some minor pe…$100$8020%
18431914/20 ½d orange on single wmk coarse mesh paper perfined "OS" but inverted. MLH with very light crease at left. Good perfs & centring …$1500$112525%
18441926/30 ½d pale orange (MUH), 1d green Die II (MH), 1½d scarlet (MUH) & 4½d violet (MH, light crease & centred high). All SMW, perf 13…$120$9025%
18451914/20 1d carmine-rose (G 30) Die I, Die II pair perfined "OS". MLH, centred left. Drury Cert. (2024). ACSC 71V(1)ic, Cat. $1750$400$32020%
18481914/20 1d pale terracotta (brick G25) KGV perfined "OS". Drury Cert. (2024) MLH & a superb example. Drury Cert. ACSC, Cat. $900$300$24020%
18491914/20 1d carmine-rose Die I on rough paper, single wmk perfined "OS". MLH, centred extreme right. ACSC 72(1), Cat. $1,000$150$12020%
18521914/20 1d rosine, Single wmk perfined "OS" with "PENAVY" variety. F/U, centred low left. Starling Cert. (2015). ACSC 72bb(2)d, Cat. $325$40$3025%
18551926/30 1d green Die II SMW, perf. 13½x12½ perfined "OS". Fine MLH. ACSC 81(1)ib, Cat. $325$60$4820%
18561931/36 1d green & 2d red KGV CofA wmk perfin "OS", MUH plus 2d red F/U. "OS" is the NSW State Govt type on the MUH. (3)$80$6025%
18581914/20 1½d green single wmk perfined "OS" & printed on very coarse mesh paper. F/U with light WA machine cancel. Well centred with Drur…$90$6825%
18591926/30 2d red-brown, SMW perf. 13½x12½ perfined "OS". Slightly aged MUH but well centred with good colour. ACSC 99b, Cat. $325$75$5625%
18621926/30 1½ red, SMW perf. 13½x12½ in lower left selvedge block of 8 perfined "OS". MUH, diagonal crease through 3rd stamp in each row …$100$7525%
18631926/30 1½ red, SMW perf. 13½x12½, plate 4 dot block of 4 perfined "OS". Aged MUH gum with small thin on right selvedge but useful at …$30$2325%
18711914/20 2d pink KGV, single wmk perfined "OS". F/U with Drury Cert (2024) ACSC 96Eb, Cat. $350+OS premium$150$12020%
18721914/20 2d scarlet perfined "OS" with "dry ink" variety. Lightly used, centred low. Drury Cert. (2024) An underrated stamp even at x 15! …$120$9620%
18731914/20 2d scarlet, single wmk perfined "OS" with the "Dry ink" variety. Lightly used, centred bottom right with Drury Cert. (2023). ACSC…$50$3825%
18751926/30 2d red-brown perfined "OS" Fine used. ACSC 98Aba, Cat. $150$40$3025%
18761926/30 2d red-brown, SMW perf. 13½x12½ perfined "OS". Fresh MUH pair, slightly off centre. ACSC 99b, Cat. $650$180$13525%
18791926/30 2d golden-scarlet, Die II, SMW perf. 13½x12½. perfined "OS" x 2 with varieties not listed in ACSC on 2L28 & 2L55. MUH & reasona…$120$9025%
18811926/30 2d golden-scarlet, Die III, SMW perf. 13½x12½, John Ash imprint block of 8 perfined "OS". MLH in selvedge only. ACSC 102Aba, Ca…$200$15025%
18821926/30 2d golden-scarlet, SMW perf. 13½x12½ bottom selvedge strip of 10 (2 rows of 5) with part imprint & perfined "OS". One unit with…$220$16525%
18831926/30 2d golden-scarlet, SMW John Ash imprint blocks of 4 x 2 ovptd "OS". Both fine MVLH, one trimmed down bottom selvedge. (2)$40$3025%
18841926/30 2d pale golden-scarlet, SMW perf. 13½x12½ Plate 2 Ash "N over A" imprint pair perfined "OS". MUH. ACSC Cat. $350++$90$6825%
18851932 2d deep golden-scarlet, Die III, SMW, perf. 13½x12½ ovptd "OS". Fine used with a part Corryong cds. Scott Starling Cert. (2018) A …$600$45025%
18901926/30 3d dull blue, SMW perf. 13½x12½ marginal block of 4 perfined "OS". MUH, centred right. ACSC 107A/B, Cat. $1300 if A/B which the…$200$16020%
18921926/30 3d pale dull blue, SMW perf. 13½x12½ block of 6 perfined "OS". Fine MUH with good centring. ACSC 107Cea, Cat. $6000$1000$80020%
18931926/30 3d blue, Die II block of 12 (3x4) perfined "OS". Light crease across top 4 stamps otherwise MUH & a useful multiple. ACSC 108Ab, …$250$18825%
18951926/30 3d dull blue, Die II SMW perf 13½x12½ in lower selvedge strip of 3 perfined "OS". MUH. ACSC 108Cb, Cat. $375++$90$6825%
18981926/30 3d deep blue Die II, SMW perf. 13½x12½ perfined "OS" with "flaws on R of Australia & 3rd bloom of left wattles" varieties. MUH …$50$3825%
18991931/36 3d blue KGV top right selvedge pair ovptd "OS" in bluish ink. Top MH, lower MUH with tone spot. Drury Cert. (2024) ACSC 109(OS)B/c$50$4020%
19031914/20 4d olive, single wmk perfined "OS" in 2 fresh MUH pairs. ACSC 114Aba, Cat. $225 ea. ($900)$200$16020%
19041914/20 4d olive-yellow, single wmk perfined "OS". MUH, centred bottom right. ACSC 114Cba, Cat. $225$30$2420%
19051918/23 4d olive-yellow, single wmk, perf. 14 block of 4 perfined "OS". MUH, centred top left. ACSC 114Cba, Cat. $900$150$12020%
19061926/30 4d greenish-olive perfined "OS". ACSC note 2 states, "There were 93,600 punctured OS". Superb MUH example. ACSC 115b, Cat. $875$250$18825%
19081926/30 4d olive, SMW perf. 14 perfined "OS". Fresh MUH. ACSC 115b, Cat. $875$150$12020%
19091926/30 4d greenish-olive, SMW, perf.14 perfined "OS", MUH centred to left with one pulled perf. ACSC 115b, Cat. $875$80$6420%
19111926/30 4d greenish olive as above but with top selvedge. Fresh MUH. ACSC 116Bba, Cat. $125$40$3025%
19151926/30 5d orange-brown, SMW perf 13½x12½ John Ash imprint pair perfined "OS". Left stamp MUH with light vert crease, right unit fine M…$100$7525%
19181914/20 1/4d milky-blue, single wmk perfined "OS" top left selvedge block of 4 "Defective top frame & cross" & "flaw in emu's tail" varie…$500$37525%
19201926/30 1/4d greenish-blue as above with good centering. ACSC 129Awd, Cat. $400$100$7525%
19211926/30 1/4d greenish-blue perfined "OS". CTO with full gum. Well centred with good perfs. ACSC 129Awd, Cat. $450$100$7525%
19261931/36 KGV ovptd "OS" John Ash imprint pairs with 2d SMW MUH, ½d orange MLH, 1d green MUH, 2d red (CofA) MLH, 3d blue & 5d brown both M…$120$9025%
19271907 (24th Dec) stampless & taxed, local Greetings Perth to Guildford postcard with 1d green PD pair (SG D46) tied by signature in m/s wi…$50$4020%
19361917 (30th Mar) "Ash Log Queensland" Lettercard in black tied by York cds, 1918 (17th June) "Mt Gambier, Sth Australia" Lettercard in pur…$60$4820%
19411918 (18th Dec) outbound cover to Switzerland bearing KGV ½d green vert pairs x 2 & single (2½d total franking) with "Opened by Censor"…$100$8020%
19421919 (3rd June) 1½d red-brown KGV sideface, Die II env with illust "Barnet Glass Tyres-Founders of the Rubber Industry in Australia" adv…$40$3220%
19451920 (8th Sept) Liverpool, UK to Sydney Underpaid & taxed "Ideal Sands, New Brighton" coloured postcard with boxed red "TAX 1D No.3 SYDNE…$50$4020%
19471922/24 1d violet KGV "embossed star" PTPO envelope for British Australian Wool Realisation Association Ltd. Very fine unused with light …$80$6420%
19481923 "ONE PENNY" ovpt on 1½d emerald-green KGV side face Postcard. Minor toning at base otherwise fine unused cond. ACSC P59, Cat $500 $40$3025%
19491923 1½d green KGV Letter Card, perf. 12½ showing "GPO Hobart". Unused with very faint toning at lower left. ACSC L30, Cat. $200$40$3220%
19501924 (2nd Dec) "Botanical Garden, Portland, Vic" 1½d KGV Lettercard in red addressed to Carmel. F/U from Kalamunda to Carmel. ACSC LD55(…$75$6020%
19611931 (18th March) 2d & 3d Kingsford Smith commems on Narrogin addressed env endorsed "Melbourne to Perth - First day of Issue of Kingsfor…$75$6020%
19651931 6d dull violet Kingsford Smith imprint block of 4. Fine MUH & well centred. ACSC 114z, Cat. $125$40$3220%
19681932 (19th Mar) 2d & 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge on Registered cover with "Sydney Harbour Bridge N.E. PYLON" reg label & matching cds's. Sy…$1200$96020%
19871937/48 5/- to £1 Robes on thin paper in blocks of 4 with good centring plus 5/- on tinted paper. Fresh & fine MUH. Retail $1400+ SG 176…$700$52525%
19891937/48 £1 Robes in both thick & thin paper John Ash imprint blocks of 4. Both fresh MVLHMUH with good centring. A stunning pair. ACSC 2…$400$32020%
19921940 (18th June) 1/6d Hermes on "The Australia Hotel Sydney" env tied by GPO Sydney Air cds carried on the "Horseshoe" route. Censor tape…$75$6020%
20081946 5/10d KGVI Food Parcel labels x 2. 1 MNG with tan line, the other fine & fresh MUH. (2)$40$3025%
20131949 (17th Oct) "Souvenir Commemorating the Commencement of Work by the SNOWY MOUNTAINS HYDRO-ELECTRIC AUTHORITY" booklet with programme …$50$4020%
20141950 2½d scarlet KGVI in complete sheet of 160 with perf pip on top selvedge & "Printed By Authority…" imprints at bottom. Light fold …$40$3220%
20171953/54 3½d red QEII with admonition in red panel with unshaded base of QEII neck. Ovptd "SPECIMEN". Very good cond. ACSC LC76w$75$6020%
20181954 Aust birds "Essay of Australian Stamp Designs in design competition conducted by "Stamp News" perforated & gummed sheetlet of 4 ovpt…$30$2420%
20221963/64 Navigators set of 8 to £2 with both 10/- & £1 cream & white papers. All fine MUH with perfect centering. SG 355/60, Retail $290…$150$12020%
20341971 7¢ Desert Pea coil pair with "buff omitted" & misplaced green. Fine MUH. ACSC 535ce, Cat. $300ea$120$9620%
20421984 Unissued 1914 2d red KGV bust & 1/- blue swan on replica cards plus 1934 2d to 1/- Vic Cent in alternative colours issued for Ausipe…$30$2420%
20461993 ICY Reversed Panes of 25 plus 1999 Navigators M/S's perfined "A99) with MUH & CTO of each. Total retail $210 (6)$40$3220%
20481997 $10 Kakadu M/S's ovptd “PACIFIC ‘97 World Philatelic Exhibition San Francisco…...” in silver. MUH x 26. Retail at $30 each (…$200$16020%
20491997 $10 Kakadu M/S's ovptd “PHILANIPPON ‘01” in gold with Exhib logo. MUH x 18. Retail at $30 each ($540) FV $180 (18)$150$12020%
20501999 Australia Post Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia containing 28 proofs struck from the original dies in black. Incls t…$50$4020%
20572006 Dangerous Australians Spider packs x 10 containing the semi-imperforate $1 Redback Miniature sheet. Total retail $550 (10 packs)$150$12020%
20612008 Aviation Qantas Airbus A380 Imperforate M/S's in uncut sheets from both right & left panes with 12 M/S's in each pane. Limited to 75…$120$9620%
20682010 $12 Wattle Flowers "Personalised Stamps" sheets of 60c x 20 with tabs celebrating 2012 PSWA Centenary with show logo plus the set of…$50$4020%
20722011 Mythical Creatures Imperforate complete sheets from both left & right halves of the full print sheet. Each contains 6 M/S's, one in …$100$8020%
20752012 QEII Diamond Jubilee silver stamp pres folder with both the 60c Aust & GB 1st Class commems in silver. Produced by the Royal Dutch M…$40$3220%
20891942 2/6d black on fawn cover containing 2 panes 2½d KGVI x 6, wmk inverted with the 2 wax interleaves. Unfortunately 2 stamps have been…$40$3025%
20921966 60c with 15 x 4c red Helecon in ink with "Send Money Securely…." tabs. Edition DG9 with Tropical interleaving. P&C B73F(e)T, Cat. …$75$6020%
20931966 60c with 15 x 4c red as above but with white stitching without interleaving & neatly CTO. P&C B73F(e)y, Cat. $165$40$3220%
20941966 60c with 15 x 4c red as above but with "Post Early…" tabs & fine MUH cond. P&C B74Ad, Cat. $150$40$3220%
21081998 $4.50 Planet Ocean in both BC's plus the APTA 50th Anniv ovpt in gold plus both $8 Christmas BC's & he SCDAA Christmas dinner ovpt. …$40$3220%
21091999 $4.50 Coastal Flowers in both SNP & Pemara BC's & all reprints plus each printer ovptd "Northern Beaches Stamp Expo" incl 2000 Expo …$180$14420%
21101999 $4.50 Coastal Flowers SNP Printing with General BC & 2 koala reprint with "NORTHERN BEACHES STAMP EXPO 14-15 October 2000" ovpt but …$100$8020%
21212001 $4.50 Rock Australia set of 4 with APTA Sydney & Northern Beaches Stamp Show ovpts in both BC's. P&C B234(1)/a(1)/(2)/a(2), Cat. $160$40$3220%
21242002 $4.50 Motor Racing set of 6 in both BC's plus the APTA Melbourne & Northern Beaches ovpts. P&C B243/a/(1)/a(1)/(2)/a(2), Cat. $100 (6)$40$3220%
21252002 $4.90 Lighthouse with both BC's plus all 3 ovpts also in both BC's incl Queensland Cricket Winners, Petersham Fair & APTA Melbourne.…$60$4820%
21262002 $4.50 Magic Rainforest & $8 Christmas plus 2003 $5 & $10 Nature of Aust with both BC's for each & the respective ovpts complete. P&C…$120$9620%
21272003 $5 Blooms with both BC's plus all 3 ovpts also in both BC's incl NSW Cricket Winners, APTA Sydney Stamp Show & APTA Brisbane. P&C B2…$50$4020%
21282003 $5 Coronation Jubilee with both BC's plus all 3 ovpts also in both BC's incl Petersham Fair, APTA Melbourne Stamp Show & APTA Nation…$60$4820%
21302003 $5 & $10 Rainforests in all BC's plus all ovpts incl the scarce "Save Our Fig Tree" plus both 1K & 2K reprints for the $10 issue. P&…$120$9620%
21312003 $5 Murray River Shipping in all BC's plus all ovpts incl Queensland Stampshow, APTA Newcastle, APTA Stampex & Ballarat Philatelic So…$120$9620%
21322003 Bugs & Butterflies in both BC's plus all ovpts incl Brisbane AFL Winners, APTA Melbourne & Sydney Shows plus 2003 $9 Christmas with …$90$7220%
21392012 (17th-20th May) PSWA Centennial Exhibition gold overprint on $6 Rising Sun Badge S/A booklet & numbered "001". Highly sought after &…$40$3220%
21402013 $6 Landscapes S/A pair ovptd "Philatelic Barcode" & "General Barcode" above "AUSTRALIA 2013 World Stamp Expo 10-15 May 2013" in gold…$60$4820%
21412013 $6 Orchid Greetings S/A with "APTA Melbourne Show 20th-21st July 2013 GENERAL BARCODE" ovpt in gold. Incorrectly applied to the "Phi…$50$4020%
21482015 $7 Native Animals ovptd "Overprint Booklets Collectors Club Stamp Fair 2015 Punchbowl Stamp & Coin Fair" with OPBCC logo & another w…$40$3220%
21531937 (2nd Aug) First Smyth generic cover with 3d blue KGVI Die I (white wattles), 6d Kookaburra & 1/- Lyrebird tied by Registered Brisban…$150$12020%
21541938 (1st Apr) 5/- & 10/- Robes tied by crisp Registered Perth cds on plain cover with "Perth GPO West. Australia" R6 Registered label. T…$180$14420%
21551942 (1st Dec) 1½d Queen Mother with "By Authority" imprint pmkd FDI at Cunderdin, WA on plain cover. Addressed to a Ray Miller, Hill St…$60$4525%
21561945 (19th Feb) Gloucester set of 3 tied by Rozelle NSW cds's. "FIRST DAY COVER" above map of Australia containing the words "Australian …$50$4020%
21581951 (29th Nov) 3½d KGVI pair on Hunter Stamp Company generic FDC with an indistinct NSW cds. Scarce cachet in VG cond.$30$2420%
21621970 (16th Mar & 13th Apr) Expo x 3 & Grasslands Official AP covers all neatly pmkd Launceston. Exc unaddressed cond. Retail $435 (Sydney…$30$2420%
21632002 (23rd Jan) Aust Legends FDC pmkd Melbourne University. Signed by Fiona Stanley, one of the recipients.$20$1620%
21642009 (26th June) "A Letter to Mary" Prestige FDC with attached repro letter & gold pmk. Ovptd "MELBOURNE STAMPSHOW 09 200 CLUB" with exhi…$25$1925%
21732000 (17th August) Olympic Sports - Aquatics & Athletics with pictorial $5 coins in each plus 2001 (15th Feb) Army Cent. & 2002 (6th Feb)…$80$6420%
22232011 (20th May) Royal Wedding as above but ovptd "25th Anniversary BRISBANE BRONCOS 1988-2013" in metallic silver with the team flag. Unu…$50$4020%
23102022 (5th Sept) Aust Dinosaurs set of 4 featuring "Australovenator", "Diamantinasaurus", "Elaphrosaurine Theropod" & "Kunbarrasaurus ieve…$120$9620%
23202024 (8th-10th Mar) Perth Stamp & Coin Show set of 5 PNC's for the "South Perth Uglies", "Xantippe", "May Gibbs - Snugglepot & Cuddlepie"…$200$16020%
23342020 (8th Jan) Year of the Rat with Christmas Is $1.10 tied by pictorial cds with attractive large red medallion x 10. Incls 2 consecutiv…$80$6420%
23431885/86 10/- mauve & claret as above. Fine used with 1907 cds. SG 241c, Cat. £250$75$6020%
2354Yungaburra "712" type 2A bar numeral clear strikes on 1d red KGV x 4. Rated RRR. (4)$40$3220%
23551855 6d deep blue with 3 margins used & 1856/58 2d orange red pair fine used with neat BN "25" lozenge cancel. Good margins. SG 3, Cat. …$60$4820%
23561858/59 1d yellow-green with clear margins, rouletted at top & one side. Large part o.g. with adherence near hinge. SG 13, Cat. £1000$120$9620%
23571860/69 4d QV Second roulette imperforate plate proof horiz strip of 4 in black on ungummed, unwmkd paper. Fine cond.$200$16020%
23641855 2d deep green Chalon, wmk large star with 3 large margins, close at right. F/U with light cancel. SG 15, Cat. £550$100$8020%
23651860/67 6d reddish-mauve Chalon imperf pair without gum. Clear margins showing part of adjacent stamp top right. Brownish paper but scarc…$150$12020%
23671892 ½d, 2½d & 5d in MUH blocks of 4 with extra MUH/MLH incl 1903 V/Cr 1/- perf. 12½ (5), 1906/09 11/- Cr/A perf. 12½ (13), perf.11, …$75$5625%
2376Armadale "1422" type 14-16 barred numeral 85% strike on 1d red KGV. Rated RR & a bold impression.$30$2420%
23792018 - 2021 Year of the Dog, Pig, Rat & Ox M/S's all ovptd "OPBCC Overprint Booklets Collectors Club Anniversary" in gold with the releva…$50$4020%
23801903c "Bishop Patterson Memorial Chapel, Norfolk Island" captioned b&w postcard from the "Melanesian Mission Pastoral" Series I. Postally…$50$4020%
23811947 (2nd Jan) Mitchell set of 3 Registered FDC with set & NI Regd label tied by Norfolk Island cds's. Neighbouring yellow & blue Airmail…$40$3220%
23832010 $4.15 Fungi M/S's ovptd "Beijing 2010" in gold with Exhib logo x 100. Fine MUH. Similar sold in Ace Auctions Sale 34 for $260+BP. SG…$150$11325%
24151841 1d red-brown QV with Numbers 1-12 in Maltese Cross cancels in black the latter in an imperf pair plus one unnumbered. Margins vary b…$500$40020%
24161841 1d red-brown with large margins top & right, clear to touching at left & cut into at base. Lettered "KI". Large part o.g. SG 8, Cat.…$50$4020%
24181844 stampless entire with "OHMS" in m/s & addressed to "To the Clerk of the Peace of Dumfriesshire Dumfries" with scarce "Paid at Edinr …$50$4020%
24191848 (5th Feb) 1d QV red on blued paper tied by BN "6" diamond cancel on commercial letter with the original "Thomas Hancock Jeweller & G…$50$4020%
24281867/80 10d deep red-brown, plate 1 on piece tied by "Liverpool 466 24 FE 70" duplex. SG 114, Cat. £600$80$6420%
24301870/74 1½d rose-red on pages with 3 examples of each plate used & pair (one damaged at top right) on 1871 cover with KD London "07" dup…$180$14420%
24331880 ½d QV Plate proof. Very fine imperforate in black on thick white wove paper. Scarce. SG 164 var. Presented on original Stanley Gibb…$300$22525%
24341883/84 1/- dull green ovptd "SPECIMEN". MH with paper fibre adherences. SG 196s, Cat. £375$50$4020%
24411902/10 1d scarlet KEVII booklet pane of 6 with upright wmk. MUH, trace of rust on staple holes in selvedge. SG 218c, Cat. £375$60$4820%
24501936 (14 Sept) 1d KEVIII endorsed "First Day New Edwardian 1d Stamps" with torn flap otherwise fine with typed address & clear London SW1…$75$6020%
24521943 2½d KGVI blue "PRISONER OF WAR POST - KRIEGSGEFANGENENPOST" Airmail pre-printed aerogramme for use to British POW's. Exc unused cond.$40$3220%
24531948 (26th Apr) Silver Wedding FDC with pair tied by bold Wimborn Dorset cds. Endorsed "Silver Wedding Anniversary 26 April 1948" top lef…$120$9620%
24541960's "For Testing Purposes Only" worded coin strips of 10 used for testing coil machines & commonly known as "Poached eggs"! 20 x strip…$40$3025%
24561988 £2 Edinburgh Castle forgery in a more grey-blue shade than the actual issued indigo-blue MUH SG 1412var.$60$4525%
24581997 £1 First Banknote 20th Anniv commem cover incorporating a £1 banknote & coin with £1 Carrickfergus Castle pmkd Bank of England, L…$60$4820%
24632012 London Olympics 1st class orange S/A block of 4 forgeries identified by the incorrect rouletting & the wrong backing paper. An excel…$100$7525%
24642012/14 "British Farm Animals" Post & Go strips of 6 for sheep, pigs & cattle all with no imprint. Rarely seen. MUH & fine. SG FS27/32, F…$90$7220%
24711858 (30th Nov) entire pre-paid with 4d rose-carmine QV in Guernsey & tied by neat, upright duplex "324". "Via London: endorsement top le…$50$4020%
2480Argentina 1910 ½¢ (3), 1¢, 2¢, 5¢, 20¢, 30¢ (4), 50¢ (3) & 1p (3) Centenary (1810-1910) imperforate colour trials on cards. Gener…$60$4820%
2481Armenia 2006 Europa 50 Years celebration "Stamps on Stamps" themed M/S's x 200. Fresh MUH. Michel Cat. €560 (A$930) (200) $70$5325%
2501Bechuanaland 1933 KGV Cattle to 10/- MLH (4d & 2/- aged gum), 1938 KGVI to 10/- simplified MLH & 1955/58 QEII Cattle to 10/- MUH. Total S…$200$15025%
2504Belgium 1954 Beguinage of Bruges set of 6. Fresh MLH. SG 1534/39, Cat. £230 as MUH (6)$30$2420%
2505Belgium- German Occupation 1916 "Etappengabiet West" cover with 3c on 3pf to 2F50 on 2Mk ovpts (Mi. 1/12). Addressed to Dr Falkenberg, Sn…$250$20020%
2515British Honduras 1938 KGVI defins to $5. Lightly aged MLH gum. SG 150/61, Cat. £225 (12)$40$3025%
2519Canada 1937 Defins set of 11 to $1 MLH. Light to moderate hinge remnants. SG 357/67, Cat. £180 (11) $50$4020%
2520Canada 1937/38 20¢, 50¢ & $1 Pictorials. Superb MUH. SG 365/70, Cat. £140$40$3220%
2521Canada 1939/43 Special Delivery issues on album page with both 1939 & 1942 10¢ plus 1942 16¢ & 1943 17¢. All MUH with "OHMS" perfins, …$40$3220%
2528Ceylon 1935 KGV Pictorials MLH with variable aged gum, 1938/49 KGVI to 5r with some perf & wmk changes to 50¢ MUH/MLH. Total SG Cat. £2…$40$3025%
2531Cook Islands 2014 $4, $11.50 & $13.60 Bees & Bugs set of 3 in se-tenant sheetlets consisting of 60 sets in 10 sheetlets. Fresh MUH. FV CI…$120$9025%
2532Cuba 2006 Europa 50th Anniv M/S's in both perfd & imperf formats with 100 of each. A popular thematic for the "Stamps on Stamps" collecto…$80$6025%
2534Cyprus 1934 KGV Pictorials to 18pi. Fine MLH. SG 133/42, Cat. £100 (10)$40$3220%
2536Egypt (British Forces) 1940 WWII censored cover with Tel-Aviv/Palestine typed address & endorsed "Written in German!" at lower left with …$100$8020%
2545France 1936 50f "banknote" Airmail. Fine used on piece. SG 541, Cat. £475$100$8020%
2546France 1937 (16th Oct) Air France Expo flight cover with 3f & 20f tied by Exhib cds's with internal flaps showing Hong Kong, Brazil & US …$100$8020%
2578Greece 1940 Views - Airs. Fine MLH with small hinge remnant on each. SG 544/53, Cat. £600 (10)$180$14420%
2581Hong Kong 1891 2¢ carmine 50th Anniv of Colony. MLH. SG 51, Cat. £475$150$12020%
2583Hong Kong 1903 $5 purple & blue-green KEVII Crown CA wmk. MVLH with just a hint of a vert crease, not obvious. SG 75, Cat. £650$160$12820%
2599Israel 250pr, 500pr & 1000pr Coins with full tabs. MUH but light gum disturbance on each while perfs at base of tab present on 1000pr but…$500$40020%
2600Israel 1948 Jewish New Year set of 5 with tabs (Bale 10/14) & 1949 250pr Assembly tab block, all MVLH. Cat. $630 (SG £1000) (6 blocks)$150$12020%
2601Israel 1949 20pr National Flag tabbed left, 1950 100pr University & 1950 500pr Neger Camel (Bale 47, Cat. $300) all MUH tab singles plus …$100$8020%
2602Israel 1949 Petach Tivka Well in left tab block of 4 MUH (Bale 17A) plus UPU pair with tabs in MUH/MVLH blocks. (Bale 27/28) SG total Cat…$120$9620%
2605Israel 1952 1000pr Menorah corner block of 4 with tabs at base. Superb MUH. Bale 59, tab block Cat. $620 (SG Cat. £475 per tab single)$200$16020%
2606Italy 1863 40¢ rose. Unused with traces of original gum. A couple of flat perfs at left but an attractive example of this scarce stamp a…$400$32020%
2608Italy 1944 Italian Social Republic ovpts on Parcel Post. Set of 12 in se-tenant MLH pairs. SG P77/88, Cat £950$150$12020%
2610Italian Colonies 1932 Dante Air set of 6 to 10l all fine in blocks of 8 with "Bengasi" cds's on 5l & 10l &"Tripoli" on others dated 7.11.…$280$22420%
2621Liechtenstein 1941 10f Madonna & Child. Fine MUH. SG 200, Cat. £80+$40$3220%
2625Malaysia-Negri Sembilan 1957 Pictorials set to $5. Fresh MUH. SG 68/79 (excl 74), Cat. £55 (11)$25$2020%
2630Montserrat 1951 KGVI Pictorials to $4.80 (excl 6¢). Fine MUH. SG 123/35 (excl 128), Cat. £75 (12)$30$2420%
2641Netherlands 1920 "2.50" surcharges on 10g vals. Fresh MLH. SG 236/37, Cat. £450 (2)$100$8020%
2642Netherlands 1923 2½g black. Fresh MVLH & well centred. SG 268, Cat. £325$80$6420%
2643Netherlands 1940/47 5c to 10G Queen Wilhelmina defins. Fresh MLH plus a used set of the high vals. SG 506/19 & SG 616/19 Total Cat. £650…$100$8020%
2645Netherlands 1953 1g to 10g Queen Juliana 1 MUH & used plus 2½g used pair, 1946 2½g & 1926 Child Welfare 15¢ used. Useful group. Cat. …$30$2420%
2651New Zealand 1855/58 1d red & 2d blue, no wmk on blue paper. Close but clear margins with both lightly used. SG 4, Cat. £2,500 & SG 5, Ca…$300$24020%
2655New Zealand 1857/63 6d brown x 2, pale brown x 2 & chestnut shades, no wmk. Quality examples with margins close to clear & attractively u…$300$24020%
2656New Zealand 1857/63 6d brown, no wmk. 4 close margins with possible traces of "roulette 7". Used by central BN "7" (Wellington) obliterat…$75$6020%
2657New Zealand 1882 ½d Newspaper stamp perf. 10x12½ with jumbo margins. MNG. SG 145a, Cat. £180$30$2420%
2658New Zealand 1900 Stamp Duty pieces x 4 with "V.R." Cypher labels on reverse. Fiscals with £10 & 80/- vals & "Fine Paid" all imperf, £1.…$75$5625%
2661New Zealand 1913 Auckland Exhibition set of 4. MLH. SG 412/15, Cat. £400 (4)$200$16020%
2662New Zealand 1913 Auckland Exhibition as above. SG 412/15$200$16020%
2664New Zealand 1915/30 1/- orange-brown shade. Fine used block of 4 with 1932 cds. This shade issued 1928. SG 430cc, Cat. £950 x 4$180$13525%
2666New Zealand 1940 Centennial set (excl 7d) in blocks of 4. MLH on upper pair of each block only. SG 613/625 (12 blks)$50$4020%
2667New Zealand 1984 18c Christmas complete imperforate plate proof half sheet of 50. Ex the Heraclio Fournier Archival Sales. Fine MUH & rar…$700$52525%
2669New Zealand 2013 $10 Fish & Game Council Bird Habitat cinderella showing the Australasian Bittern. One MUH with another signed by the des…$40$3025%
2682Pitcairn Island 1940/51 KGVI Pictorials set of 10 MLH (tone spots on some) & 1957 QEII Pictorials to 2/6d fine MUH plus St Helena KEVII &…$50$3825%
2686Portugal 1931 Pereira set of 6. Fresh MLH. SG 859/64, Cat. £400$120$9620%
2696Samoa 2015 $6.25, $12.50 & $45 Marine Life set of 3 in se-tenant sheetlets consisting of 60 sets in 10 sheetlets. Fine MUH. FV STS$3840 (…$150$11325%
2697San Marino 1932 New Post Office set of 5. Fine used with crisp cds pmks. SG 174/78, Cat. £275 (5)$60$4820%
2698Sarawak 889/92 "5¢" surcharge" on 12¢ with stop after "C", the "5" normal, whilst "C" & the stop are clearly double. SG 25c var., Cat. …$200$16020%
2700Serbia & Montenegro 2005 Europa set of 4 in in both perfd & imperf M/S's x 100 of ea. MUH with resale potential. Mi Cat. €3000 (A$4900)…$30$2325%
2705Singapore 1929 (4th Mar) USA addressed postcard with Netherlands Indies 7½c tied by oval "S.S. PLANCIUS" cachet in violet & neighbouring…$75$6020%
2708Singapore 1955 $5 Arms in part horiz imprint pair. Fine MUH. SG 52, Cat. £90+$40$3220%
2713South Africa - Cape of Good Hope 1853 1d & 4d on blued paper, latter with right corner a trifle short before slightly blued paper for 1d …$700$52525%
2714South Africa - Cape of Good Hope 1855/63 1/- bright yellow-green. Superb used with 3 broad margins. SG 8, Cat. £325$100$8020%
2715South Africa - Cape of Good Hope 1861 4d pale milky blue "woodblock" with wide margins on all sides. SG 14, Cat. £2,750$500$37525%
2716South Africa - Cape of Good Hope 1863/64 1d in 3 shades, 4d in 4 shades, 6d joined pair & 1/- bright emerald-green. Apart from 1d deep br…$700$52525%
2722South Africa - Cape of Good Hope 1899 COGH ½d, 1d, 2d & 2½d surcharged "PENCE" & "ZAR" contemporary forged ovpts as per Joh Groenewalds…$100$7525%
2723South Africa 1926 1d Plate Proof imperf pairs in black for the centre & of the frame. Pretoria typographed printings with 1972 Hermer auc…$120$9620%
2728South Africa-Orange Free State 1892 (11th Jan) Stampless cover from Bloemfontein to Winburg endorsed "in diens" with 2 strikes of the cir…$200$16020%
2730Spain 1984 "Concerto Espana" folder with embossed Arms affixed at top & numbered 001625 inside noting the attendance at the concert of So…$60$4820%
2739Switzerland 1937 45¢ Airmail on grilled paper sheet of 25. MUH. Cat. £75+ premium for a MUH full sheet$40$3220%
2741Switzerland 1934 NABA Philatelic Exhib M/S. MVLH with all stamps MUH. SG MS357, Cat. £550$200$16020%
2748Tonga 2014 $11.30, $16.90 & $28 Birds set of 3 in se-tenant sheetlets of 18 with 60 sets in 10 sheetlets. Fresh MUH & a useful thematic f…$130$9825%
2750Tonga 2012 $27 Democracy 1st Anniv imperf M/S's x 70. Fresh MUH. SG MS1643, Cat. £1890 (70)$50$3825%
2751Tonga 2015 $8 Year of the Sheep in full sheetlets of 16 with commem tabs x 4. MUH SG 1761, Cat. £480 plus 1994 T$10 "Tonga & Walsall Sec…$70$5325%
2752Tonga - Niuafo'ou 2014 $11.30, $16.90, $28 Butterflies & Insects set of 3 in se-tenant sheetlets of 18 with 60 sets in 10 sheetlets. MUH.…$150$11325%
2756USA 1915 Panama Pacific Expo set incl both perfs of 1¢, 2¢, 5¢ & 10¢ orange plus 10¢ yellow, perf.12. Some are MUH, 5¢ perf.10 MH w…$300$24020%
2757USA 1929 1¢ to 10 "Kans." & "Nebr." ovptd sets (no 6¢ orange). Fresh MLH. SG 659/79, Cat. £500 (20)$100$8020%
2758USA 1847 5¢ red-brown imperf on bluish paper with close but clear margins, just touching at top left corner. Professionally redistribute…$1000$80020%
2759USA 1861/62 30¢ dull orange Franklin. MLH but professionally regummed reflected in reserve. Useful "spacefiller". SG 71, Cat. £1000$120$9620%
2762USA 1908/09 $1 violet-brown Washington, perf.12. MLH with good centering. SG 342, Cat. £475$100$8020%
2763USA 1986 (28th Jan) illust cover with USA 22c Whelks x 2 tied by 2 diff Kennedy Space Centre, FL pmks incl one pictorial with "Space Shut…$50$4020%
2764USA 1998 & 1999 $3.30 S/A booklets in uncut sheets of 6 booklets. One of 1998 Tweety & Sylvester & 2 of 1999 Daffy Duck. All checked & fo…$50$3825%
2765Vatican 1935 Juridical Congress set of 6. Fine MLH. SG 41/46, Cat. £275 (6)$50$4020%
2769Zanzibar 1908/09 40r black & orange-brown Dhow in left marginal block of 4. Fine MUH with stunningly fresh appearance. SG 242, Cat. £380…$1800$144020%