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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV 3d blue in various shades incl single wmk Die I (22) plus 17 x perfined "OS", Die Ia (14) plus 13 "OS", SMW, perf.14 x 18 & 15 "OS" all type A …
KGV 4½d violet single wmk x 19 incl an "OS", SMW Perf.14 x 13 & another perfined "OS" before Perf. 13½x12½ x 2 (short perfs) plus "FIVE PENCE" s…
KGV 4d orange x 45 incl 3 with inverted wmk & 13 perfined "OS", lemon x 3 incl an "OS" before an attractive range of shades with 4 violet (6) incl …
Sold $210
KGV 5d vals with Single line Perf.14 x 4 incl an "OS" perfin before Single wmk x 29 with 7 x "OS", SMW, perf. 13½x12½ x10 F/U & 9 x "OS" with Cof…
Sold $60
KGV 1/4d turquoise single wmk x 10 good to fine used & SMW, perf.13½x12½ x 4 with 3 F/U plus CofA wmk x 13 all fine used. (28)
Sold $75
KGV ½d greens appearing to be all single wmk with a mixture of cds & machine cancels. Shade potential for the specialist. (100s)
Sold $100
KGV ½d orange through to 1/4d turquoise CTO selection with ACSC numbers "flagged". Mainly SM & CofA wmks. ACSC $650 (26)
KGV 1d green bundleware neatly stacked into 2 Ilford film boxes & possibly unchecked. (1200+)
Sold $100
KGV 1d greens off paper crammed in small box. Many fine used with numerous cds cancels. Possible "finds" for the specialist. (100s)
Sold $50
KGV 1d greens sorted & annotated on black stockleaves. All wmks, Dies & Perfs represented incl "OS" perfins & ovpts. Noted "no wmk" MLH (2), MUH (3…
KGV 1d greens & 1d reds plus 1½d reds on/off paper in "as new" metal tool box! Good percentage of cds examples with majority appearing to be South…
Sold $160
KGV 1d red Die II specialist collection with 89 examples on 3 Lindner pages noting 3 x "OS" singles & a vertical strip of 3 plus a useful range of …
Sold $150
KGV 1d red flaws accumulation stating to contain "300+ plate identified stamps incl strips etc" plus "100 identified (back page)" incl Plate 1 x 7 …
Sold $280
KGV 1d red shades used on Hagner. Noted Die II x6 with a mix of machine & cds strikes plus some rough paper & OS/NSW" perfins. Modest lot! (37)
Sold $25
KGV 1d reds good to fine used with annotated varieties/comments on 7 Lindner pages. Nothing significant but useful postmark & shade pickings. (appr…
Sold $90
KGV 1d reds off paper in small box noting numerous shades with many F/U examples plus odd official & private perfin & multiple. (100s)
Sold $160
KGV 1d reds selection in small stockbook. Good range of used with shades & majority having light cds cancels. No plate varieties sighted. (approx. …
Sold $150
KGV 1d reds sorted in approx. 65 envs in small box with about 30 labelled with "G" numbers while another 30 odd contain dated examples. The first l…
Sold $360
KGV 1d reds sorted on album pages & unsorted on Hagner noting "ferns", "dot before l" & other constant varieties plus LM wmk with "NY" joined (ACSC…
Sold $100
KGV 1d specialised used collection with 1d red smooth paper dry ink x 8 singles & vertical strip of 3, Substitute cliché Die I x 15 examples with …
Sold $850
KGV 1d used collection/accumulation on Lindner sheets with 4 pages of "identified" shades (100+) & appearing to be correct but "sold as is". There …
Sold $150
KGV 1d violet accumulation in small shoebox. All off paper noting a couple of distinct shades with some F/U examples with neat cds cancels. Also od…
Sold $60
KGV 1½d browns with a mixture of shades evident from a quick "rummage". All off paper in small with majority appearing to have cds cancels with so…
Sold $150
KGV 1½d greens appearing to be all single wmk with a mixture of cds & machine cancels. (100s)
Sold $75
KGV 1½d reds with usual mix or slogan & cds cancels. Odd perfin & multiple. Noted "Tattersall" in mauve imprint on reverse of a couple & a crisp B…
Sold $110
KGV 2d orange "bundleware" on 36 Hagners with approx. 50 stamps per page appearing totally unsorted with a mix of machine & cds cancels noting some…
Sold $110
KGV 2d orange vals crammed into small box & all off paper. Noted a variety of shades incl a couple of intense deep colours. Numerous F/U with some …
Sold $140
KGV 2d reds off paper in small box with lid. Many F/U noting some WA pmks incl Goomalling, Carnarvon, Moora, Mullewa etc. (100s)
Sold $65
KGV 2d scarlet & shades on a bundle of commercially used covers with slogan/machine cancels. (approx. 100)
Sold $50
KGV 2d scarlet bundleware closely packed into Kodak film box (125mm x 105mm). UK origin & possibly unchecked. (1000+)
Sold $110
KGV 5d brown, SMW perf.13½x12½ x 7 & CofA wmk on another 9 WA internal Airmail covers. Mixed cond but sound with majority good. Attractive usage …
Sold $60
KGV 1914/20 ½d to 1/4d single wmk selection of 26 MUH (unless mentioned) well centred stamps with sound perfs. Incls 1d carmine-red SLP, ½d blue-…
KGV 1914/20 1d red Die II, single wmk on both smooth & rough papers with 21 good to fine used incl 3x "OS" & 4 x Die II plus rough paper sub cliche…
KGV 1914/20 1d red Die III, single wmk selection of 21 annotated on 2 Lindner pages with 10 MLH & 11 good to fine used incl an inverted wmk good us…
Sold $220
KGV 1914/20 1d red, Single wmk range of varieties on 6 Lindner pages of good to F/U with annotated flaws, some major, others very minor but all use…
Sold $300
KGV 1914/20 1d red, single wmk shade collection with some with varieties noting inverted wmk pair (MLH) & carmine with "RA" join (MVLH). Noted MUH/…
Sold $300
KGV 1914/23 Retired Dealers stock neatly arranged on Hagners. All with SG numbers & priced for ½d to 4d vals in single & LM wmks in mixed MLH & Go…
KGV 1918/20 Large wmk collection remainders on Lindner pages consisting of ½d green MLH x 14 incl an inverted wmk & "thin 1 at right" variety (MVL…
Sold $120
KGV 1924 No wmk range on 2 Lindner pages consisting 1d green MUH/MLH x 17 incl 3 blocks of 4, one for positions 7.53 & 54/ 59 & 60 with both "ferns…
KGV 1926/30 SMW, Perf. 13½x12½ "balance of consignment" lot on annotated Lindner pages in matching binder with ½d orange MLH x 7 incl "OS" pair …
KGV 1926/20 SMW, perf. 14 "balance of consignment" on Lindner pages. Incls ½d orange MLH (4) & used (2), 1d green MUH/MLH block of 4, 3 pairs & 3 …
KGV 1931/36 CofA wmk selection annotated on Lindner pages noting ½d orange MLH (2) & used (7) plus 2 x "OS" blocks of four with one MUH & other CT…
KGV Accum of all values & wmks sorted in stockbook with annotations for wmks, perfs & official perfins incl States. Housed in ascending order of fa…
Sold $290
KGV Bundleware in a cigar box with 51 bundles consisting Single wmk 1d green, (15) 1½d red (7), 2d red (4), Small Mult wmk 1d green (15) & 1½d re…
Sold $300
KGV Good to fine used catalogued varieties presented on individual index cards describing the varieties & showing ACSC numbers & sheet positions. N…
Sold $120
KGV Presented in old ledger sorted by wmk & face values. Incls Single wmk 5d brown (62), 1½d black-brown (52), 1½d red-brown (22), 2d orange (30)…
Sold $200
KGV Safe album with many stamps removed however those MLH & used present have the flaws identified & annotated. Noted ½d orange Cr/A wmk inverted,…
Sold $130
KGV Selected varieties on 1d red plate 3 ("PENAVY"), 1d green ("Secret mark"), 1d SMW perf.13½x12½ ("thin R"), 1½d brown LMW ("white flaw on A o…
Sold $60
KGV Selection of covers comprising 1922 to USA bearing 4d blue tied by Thursday Island cds, 1927 Regd to Germany from Richmond East with ½d orange…
Sold $160
KGV Single wmk collection with ½d green (10) incl inverted wmk, ½d orange (16) incl "OS" strip of 3, 1d violet with range of shades (16), 1d gree…
Sold $320


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