Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
KGV Small ledger book with stamps only found from page No. 33 to page No.59. Broken range of vals to 5d with majority being 1½d reds. Many with an…
Sold $60
KGV Used "picked over" collection on black leaves in springback binder in wmk order. Incls all values from 2d to 1/4d noting 5d bright chestnut per…
Sold $110
KGV 1/4d turquoise-blue CTO group comprising Single Crown wmk perfined "OS", ACSC 128w, Cat. $60 & ACSC 130w, Cat. $100 plus 1/4d greenish blue per…
KGV Single watermark "Balance of Consignment" collection in quality Lindner album. There remains varieties, shades & a few nice postmarks noting ½…
Sold $1250
KGV & KGVI Good to fine used accumulation in old ledger with lots of blank pages but numerous loose in between other pages. Noted KGV 3d blue CofA …
Sold $50
KGV & KGVI No KGV heads but incls WA on 8 pages (approx. 100) plus Tasmania (40). Good to fine used with numerous cds cancels but needs a patient c…
Sold $75
KGVI 1937-1952 collection in two Sherwood Philatelics folders complete simplified incl 1937 Robes on thick paper & 1949/50 Arms sets. Fine MUH. (90)
KGVI-QEII Coil pairs & strips with light duplication mixed MUH/MLH & used. Noted ½d kangaroo strip of 3 & 1d red pair plus a few MUH decimals to 1…
1913 1d red engraved KGV Neatly arranged group on Lindner pages comprising blocks, pairs & singles incl large Plate 2 upper left selvedge block of …
Sold $320
1913-1932 Clean collection on leaves in black springback binder with 1st wmk kangaroos to 1/- used incl 4d shade, set to 1/- MLH incl 4d x 2, 6d x …
Sold $1000
1913-1959 MUH/, MLH & used range in slim "Crocodile" stockbook. Noted 1d, 2d, 3d & 4d Kangaroos perfined large "OS" while small "OS" to 1/- 3rd wmk…
Sold $210
1913-1963 Mixed range with MUH/MLH & used incl Kangaroos values to 1/- MLH but evenly toned gum plus good to fine used with vals to 5/-. KGV to 1/4…
Sold $210
1913-1965 MLH & used on Seven Seas leaves in springback binder. Noted good range of KGV used to 1/4d & MUH/MLH to 4½d while useful kangaroos incl …
Sold $400
1913-1965 Seven Seas Hingeless album noting mostly basic used kangaroos however lovely 3rd wmk 3d olive-green with crisply struck 1917 Jenolan Cave…
Sold $400
1913-1966 Used accumulation on double sided stockleaves with kangaroos to 2/- in mixed cond (c100) & KGV in all wmks to 1/4d used(150) noting a goo…
Sold $100
1913-1971 SG illustrated album with mostly used noting 1st wmk Kangaroos to 1/- & 5/- (parcel cancel), 3rd wmk 5/- (cds), KGV to 1/4d Cr/A (latter …
Sold $200
1913-1980's Accum in 2 binders & 2 stockbooks. Sparse pre-decimal in one binder sparse with faulty MLH pre-1940 without Robes, Arms or Navigators b…
Sold $150
1913-1982 used on leaves from 1913 to 2/- (missing 4d) plus 5/- average MLH, KGV 1d engraved F/U before 23 surface printed to 1/4d MLH (majority wi…
Sold $50
1913-1985 used range in SG illustrated album. Very mixed cond, with machine cancels on many & obvious faults, but odd "pickings" noting 1940 6d AIF…
Sold $60
1913-1988 MLH & used accumulation with 1949/50 Arms used sets x 4, 1934 1/6d Hermes perf.11 MLH, 1937 Robes thick paper 10/- MUH & used plus £1 us…
Sold $120
1914-1950 mainly used range on Hagners noting 1914 6d Kookaburra F/U x 2 plus a good used example, 1929 3d Airmail type B perfined "OS" F/U, Kingsf…
Sold $150
1914-1952 MUH/MLH on Hagners with an excellent range of KGV noting 1d reds in 5 shades plus perf "OS", 4d orange shades x 4 plus other Cr/A wmks to…
Sold $950
1914-1965 pre-decimal selection in small stockbook noting 1914 1d engraved KGV CTO JY 17 14 with light gum bend (Cat. $75), 1914 6d Kookaburra MLH …
1914-1975 MUH, MLH & used range noting 1940 AIF sets x 2 MUH, 1966 to $4 MLH, 1970 Anpex M/S with Exhib pmks, several Christmas sets incl 1971 bloc…
Sold $50
1927-1951 Duplicated used in 2 albums noting 1929 3d Airmail type A perfined "OS", 1934 1/6d Hermes perf.11 (6) & 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d sepia (3)…
Sold $160
1927-1951 MUH/MLH collection on black leaves incl some imprint blocks. Light dupl noting 1932 2d type SHB x 2 blocks of 6 & 3d x 3 pairs, basic set…
Sold $220
1929-1965 MUH selection duplicated in quality stockbook. Fine throughout & noting 10 sets of 1931 Kingsford Smith, plenty of KGVI imprint pairs & b…
Sold $260
1930-1940 Commems duplicated MLH & used in Lindner binder. Incls 1930 Sturt pair normal & perfined "OS" F/U & MLH of each, 1934 Macarthur set of 4 …
1930-1966 accumulation with MUH incl Anzac & 1940 AIF noting useful duplication of 1930's commems MLH (no 5/- SHB). Useful good to fine used with 1…
Sold $150
1930's-1950's range incl 1/- Anzac x 3 MUH, 1934 Macarthur set of 4 MUH plus extras, thin paper Robes MVLH, 1940 AIF MUH with extras plus other MUH…
Sold $150
1932-1948 MLH & used in black springback binder noting 5/- SHB F/U, 1934 Victoria Cent, perf.10½ & 11½ sets both MLH & used, Macarthur MLH & used…
Sold $400
1934-1960 KGVI/QEII imprint & ordinary blocks of 4 with majority appearing to be different & MUH. Incls a few pairs & singles with random decimal. …
Sold $100
1937-1951 Range of defins to 2/- MUH/MLH incl many imprint blocks plus "WA" perfins all on leaves in "Crown" album noting large multiples of many v…
Sold $280
1937-1975 MUH/MLH range on leaves in binder noting 1937 NSW MLH & used, defins to 10/- thick & thin Robes plus used, 1940 AIF MLH & used & a few ML…
Sold $260
1948-1959 MLH & used in black springback binder comprising 189 single stamps & 45 multiples incl imprint blocks of 4 of KGVI defins, 1951 Parliamen…
Sold $55
1950's-1967 MUH, MLH & used mixed range on leaves in old Lighthouse binder. A bit disorganised but noted 1963/64 Navigators to £1 used & 10/- MLH …
Sold $210
1953-1965 MUH range on Hagners appearing to be virtually complete in blocks of 4 noting 2/- Olympics in imprint block of 16 plus some coil pairs & …
Sold $200
Pre-decimal MLH/used collection on Seven Seas leaves with mounts added. Very mixed cond especially in kangaroos & KGV but 6d "OS" Kangaroo, SMW is …
Sold $75
Pre-decimal Seven Seas standard leaves in binder with good to fine used range noting 6d brown Kingsford Smith, 1932 5/- SHB postally used with cent…
Sold $120
Pre-decimal Used odds in large damaged stockbook noting 1927 1½d Canberra top right corner block of 4 with FDI cds strikes of Fremantle, 1937/48 1…
Sold $65
Pre-decimals Small selection on 2 Hagners with 1914 6d kookaburra CTO (retails $50) before other 1929-1939 MLH/CTO range incl "OS" perfined commems…
Sold $65
1966-1974 MUH/MLH in springback album attractively arranged noting 1966 Birds in blocks of 4, Navigators to $4, booklet panes & Christmas 1971 plus…
1966-1978 on Hagners in 3 binders stating with 1966 decimal defins CTO to 50¢ plus "SPECIMEN" high vals with both MUH & MLH sets. Comprehensive bo…
Sold $360
1966-1980's MUH plus a few to 2012 with duplication noting some good to fine used to $10 with the post-2000 used in glassines. All on 23 double sid…
Sold $100
1966-1988 MUH range in quality KA-BE hingeless album. A few items missing but incls all defins to top val & 1971 Christmas singles plus block of 7 …
Sold $180
1966-1989 complete MUH in quality Lindner album noting additional 1966 Navigators in blocks of 4 (excl 40c) & extra set (vendor paid $110!), S&M gu…
Sold $180
1966-1991 Fine used & CTO in "as new" Seven Seas hingeless album with slipcase (maroon). No 1971 pane of 25, ANPEX M/S or booklet panes but otherwi…
Sold $80
2009-2011 Good to fine used range attractively arranged in SG Senator Medium album (exc cond) with vals to $5 Colonial Heritage (4 plus M/S). Incls…
Sold $55
Decimals 1976-1979 selection of ACSC listed varieties all annotated on piece on album pages plus cream, white & tinted gums. MUH selection & all di…
Sold $50
Decimals 1980's sheets & large blocks in huge Oceanic Philatelic Traders Full Sheet File noting full sheets of Charles & Di Wedding, 50th Anniv of …
Sold $100


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